Mar 14, 2025
SPAN 173: Erotic Novel and Film Units: 4
Erotic Novel and Film from Hispanic Modernism (Hoyos y Vinent, Felipe Trigo et al.) to “Neo-Eroticism,” “Generations X and Y” (Almodóvar, Lucía Etxebarria et al.), and “Dirty Realism” (Pedro Juan Gutiérrez et al.). Strong theoretical approach includes seminal works of Georges Bataille, George L. Mosse and Michel Foucault, among others.
Course Details Repeats Allowed for Credit: 0
Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements - Upper Division: Crossroads
- Upper Division: Writing in the Discipline
- Approaches to Knowledge: Arts and Humanities
- Badge: Literary and Textual Analysis
- Badge: Media and Visual Analysis
- Badge: Societies and Cultures of the Past
- Badge: Diversity and Identity
- Badge: Global Awareness
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite Courses: SPAN 050 or SPAN 051 or equivalent exam Instructor Permission Required: No
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