Jan 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Hallmarks of Baccalaureate Degrees at UC Merced

The Hallmarks of Baccalaureate Degrees at UC Merced were developed by UC Merced faculty and staff in an effort to answer the question, “What is the meaning of a baccalaureate degree at UC Merced?” What should UC Merced graduates know, understand, and be able to do as a result of their UC Merced experiences?

The meaning of UC Merced baccalaureate degrees is strongly connected to distinctive features of UC Merced:

  • UC Merced is a Small Research University

An ethos of discovery, creativity, and rigorous questioning of extant knowledge permeates all aspects of UC Merced. The skills, knowledge and attitudes of a researcher are synonymous with attributes essential for post-graduate success.

  • Located in Merced, California

Merced is at a crossroads – culturally, socioeconomically, environmentally, geographically, historically – for addressing problems of local, regional, and global significance. 

  • With An Undergraduate Student Body Unique in the UC System

UC Merced undergraduates are predominantly first generation students from groups under-represented in higher education (e.g., race, ethnicity, family income).

Given this unique institutional context, the Hallmarks of Baccalaureate Degrees at UC Merced are:

1. Depth and breadth in academic and intellectual preparation, consistent with the values of UC Merced as a small research university, such that UC Merced graduates

  • Demonstrate a strong disciplinary foundation.
  • Engage in interdisciplinary thinking which could include appreciating different approaches to problem solving, informed by an understanding of humanities, arts, STEM, social sciences.
  • Bring a critical, evaluative lens to problems, questions, situations.
  • Employ effective problem-solving skills in multiple settings.
  • Evaluate facts, knowledge and information, applying the varied aspects of information literacy.
  • Know what they know, as well as how they know it, and monitor and guide their own learning.
  • Describe the origins of knowledge, informed by cultural and disciplinary epistemological and ontological assumptions.
  • Take an inquiry-oriented approach to the world; possess curiosity, employ inquiry, and take appropriate and creative action in response to ambiguity.

2. Cultural awareness, sensitivity, and responsiveness, such that UC Merced graduates             

  • Respect and value diversity.
  • Seek and recognize new cultures; join a new community anticipating and engaging in potential cultural differences or intersections.

3. Community engagement and citizenship – local and global–, such that UC Merced graduates

  • Understand what it means to be a member of a community, including an academic community.
  • Contribute to the communities of which they members.
  • Possess a sense of place, and the ability to determine own place within local community and global context, and affect own community through giving back.
  • Act ethically, including in the realm of environmental stewardship and sustainability.
  • Are responsive to the needs of society – through application of knowledge and research to address problems, challenges, and opportunities.

4. Self-awareness and intrapersonal skills, such that UC Merced graduates

  • Demonstrate initiative, including an entrepreneurial, innovative, pioneering spirit.
  • Respond with resiliency to obstacles and challenges, and learn from failure.
  • Assume responsibility for their own education and develop the skills and attitudes of lifelong learners.

5. Interpersonal skills necessary to the outcomes identified above, as well as to lead productive lives after graduation, such that UC Merced graduates

  • Are proficient in collaboration and teamwork.
  • Possess strong communication skills, oral, written, and visual, academic and professional.
  • Are leaders in their professional and civic lives.
  • Are ethically aware and proficient in ethical reasoning.