Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Literatures in English, Literature and Social Justice Emphasis, B.A.

This emphasis builds a critical framework for understanding social inequity, oppression, and movements for social justice. Courses may focus on literature by historically marginalized communities, including those oppressed by structures of race, gender, sexuality, physical and mental ability, citizenship and migration status, religion, class, and other vectors of identity and power. Courses may approach literature as a social space shaped by migration, violence, empire, law, history, geography, and politics, and therefore as a space of social contestation and social justice activism. This emphasis track enables students to ethically examine the possibilities and limits of literature and literary studies as tools to create a more just world for all.

Graduates of this emphasis track might pursue careers in: law, policy, nonprofit administration, social justice and human rights advocacy, education, academia, lobbying, government, community organizing, social work, consulting, management, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work. Students pursuing this track may wish to minor in Sociology, Public Health, CRES, Spanish, Chicano/a Studies, or Community Research and Service depending on their interests and goals.

In addition to adhering to General Education  and School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Requirements  the Literatures in English major requires 48 units (some of which simultaneously meet general education requirements). Courses in the major must be taken for a letter grade and may not be taken on a pass/no pass basis unless the course is only offered on a pass/no pass basis. Students must complete all major course prerequisites with a C- or better.

Literatures in English, Literature and Social Justice Emphasis, B.A. Four-Year Course Plan  

Lower Division Literature and Social Justice Emphasis Requirements [16 Units]

Introductory Requirement [4 units]

Complete the following course:

Seminar Requirement [4 units]

Complete one lower division seminar course chosen from ENG 050-090.

Additional Lower Division Requirement [4 units]

Complete one additional lower division course chosen from ENG 011-090. One course may be substituted with a course chosen from ENG 105-189, or WRI 025, or GASP 041A. Consult a SSHA Academic Advisor for more information.

Upper Division Literature and Social Justice Emphasis Requirements [32 Units]

Upper Division Major Core Requirement [16 units]

Complete the following courses. Students may substitute one of these survey courses with another course that teaches literature of a similar period. Please see a SSHA Academic Advisor for more information and a list of pre-approved courses.

Upper Division Emphasis Requirement [12 units]

Complete three upper division seminar courses chosen from the following: 

Senior Thesis Requirement [4 units]

Complete the following course:

Transfer Students

Transfer students who wish to major in Literatures in English should complete the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) at their community college. Transfer students may not be admitted to the Literatures in English major without specific major preparation. Below are the Transfer Admission Criteria for the Literatures in English Major.

Transfer Selection Criteria

To be admitted to the Literatures in English major transfer students must meet the following requirements. Applicants will, at the time of admission have completed at minimum the following courses (or their equivalent) with a “C-” or better:

  • At least two UC-Transferable courses in English, Literature or English Literature

Literatures in English Honors Program

UC Merced Literatures in English majors may petition to join the English Honors Program, which will have additional requirements beyond the standard Literatures in English major. Undergraduate majors who are accepted and successfully complete the Honors Program will receive a notation to that effect on their diploma and on their undergraduate transcript thereafter.

Students apply to join the Honors Program in the Spring of their third year. To be eligible for the Honors Program, a Literatures in English major must achieve an overall GPA of 3.3 and a minimum GPA of 3.7 in the major. A student with a GPA in the major between 3.5 and 3.69 must petition the Honors Committee for an exemption. Students admitted to the English Honors Program will be required to enroll in the two semester Honors Senior Thesis sequence, ENG 193H  and ENG 194H . These courses will count as two of the four upper division seminars required of all Literatures in English majors, with one of the courses replacing ENG 190. Students doing a Literature and Social Justice or Literature and the Environment emphasis track who wish to complete the honors program will need to complete an honors thesis related to their emphasis, and ENG 193 and 194 will count as two of the four upper division required seminars, with one of the courses replacing ENG 190S or 190E. Please contact a SSHA Academic Advisorfor more information.