Feb 16, 2025
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Diversity and Identity
Consider how multiple kinds of difference—ethnic, racial, gender, and sexual—impact individuals and societies in the past and present.
Diversity and Identity Courses
- ANTH 001: Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 003: Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 100: History of Anthropological Thought and Practice Units: 4
- ANTH 110: Migration, Diaspora and Transnational Belonging Units: 4
- ANTH 111: The Anthropology of Globalization Units: 4
- ANTH 112: Political Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 113: Urban Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 114: Social Memory Units: 4
- ANTH 116: Indigenous Activism in the Americas Units: 4
- ANTH 117: The Anthropology of Citizenship Units: 4
- ANTH 120: Introduction to Medical Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 121: Ethnomedicine Units: 4
- ANTH 122: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion and Healing Units: 4
- ANTH 124: Ethnopsychology Units: 4
- ANTH 126: Anthropological Approaches to Gender Units: 4
- ANTH 131: Space and Place: An Anthropological Perspective Units: 4
- ANTH 132: Archaeological Interpretation Units: 4
- ANTH 134: Dynamics of Small-scale Societies Units: 4
- ANTH 140: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice Units: 4
- ANTH 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 142: Archaeology of Colonialism Units: 4
- ANTH 144: Archaeology of Religion Units: 4
- ANTH 149: Topics in Anthropological Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 150: Race and Human Variation Units: 4
- ANTH 155: Paleodemography Units: 4
- ANTH 170: Ethnographic Methods Units: 4
- ANTH 171: Human Population Studies: Data and Mapping Units: 4
- ANTH 172: Ethnohistory Units: 4
- ANTH 174: Lithic Artifact Analysis Units: 4
- BIO 124: Microbial Evolution Units: 4
- BIOE 001: Bioengineering Seminar Units: 1
- CCST 060: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- CCST 113: Latino and Immigrant Health Units: 4
- CCST 120: Chicanx, Latinx & Indigenous Representation Units: 4
- CHN 001: Elementary Chinese I Units: 4
- CHN 002: Elementary Chinese II Units: 4
- CHN 003: Intermediate Chinese I Units: 4
- CHN 004: Intermediate Chinese II Units: 4
- COGS 005: Introduction to Language and Linguistics Units: 4
- COGS 122: Modeling Social Behavior Units: 4
- COGS 149: Music, Language, and Cognition Units: 4
- COGS 178: The Cognitive Science of the Emotions Units: 4
- COGS 179: The Cognitive Science of Religion Units: 4
- CRES 001: Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 020: Introduction to Asian American Studies Units: 4
- CRES 027: Local Harvest, Global Industry: History of the Production and Consumption of Food Units: 4
- CRES 040: Introduction to Black Studies Units: 4
- CRES 043: African Civilization Units: 4
- CRES 051: The History of Things: A History of the Contemporary World Units: 4
- CRES 052: Power in Film Units: 4
- CRES 059A: Cinema as Rebellion and Love Units: 4
- CRES 072B: Elements and Cultures of Hip Hop Units: 4
- CRES 076A: Social Dance, Social Bodies Units: 4
- CRES 100: Theories in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 101: Race and the Media Units: 4
- CRES 102: Race, Gender, Sexuality Units: 4
- CRES 110: Interdisciplinary Methods in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 119: Topics in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 120: Race, Law and Civil Rights Units: 4
- CRES 121: Critical Refugee Studies Units: 4
- CRES 122: Comparative Immigrations Units: 4
- CRES 123: Comparative Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 4
- CRES 124BR: African American History 1877 to Present: Research Units: 4
- CRES 141: The African Diaspora in Latin America Units: 4
- CRES 147: Decolonizing Africa Units: 4
- CRES 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- CRES 152: Twentieth Century Latin American Revolutions Units: 4
- CRES 153: Mesoamerican Literature and Culture Units: 4
- CRES 166B: Topics in Korean History and Cultures Units: 4
- CRES 167B: Topics in Japanese History and Cultures Units: 4
- CRS 195: Community Research and Service Experience Units:
- ECON 120: Economics of the Environment and Public Policy Units: 4
- ECON 140: Labor Economics Units: 4
- ECON 142: The Economics of Gender and Poverty Units: 4
- ECON 149: Economics of Sports Units: 4
- ENG 011: Introduction to World Literature in English Units: 4
- ENG 018: Crime and Horror in Victorian Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 022: Love and its Languages Units: 4
- ENG 030: Literature of Childhood Units: 4
- ENG 031: Introduction to African-American Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 032: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- ENG 033: Literature and Sexuality Units: 4
- ENG 034: Literatures of Asian America Units: 4
- ENG 061: Native American Memoir Units: 4
- ENG 062: Literature and Gender Units: 4
- ENG 063: 20th Century Women Writers Units: 4
- ENG 064: LGBT Fiction Units: 4
- ENG 067: Environmental Justice in Beast Fables Units: 4
- ENG 071: Literature of Illness and Disability Units: 4
- ENG 103: British and American Literature, 1830-1940 Units: 4
- ENG 104: Postwar, Postcolonial, Postmodern Literature and Culture: 1945 to the present Units: 4
- ENG 109: Encounters with Islam in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature Units: 4
- ENG 111: Mesoamerican Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 112: South Asian Literature and Culture Around the World Units: 4
- ENG 113: Latinx Literature Units: 4
- ENG 115: Chicanx Literature Units: 4
- ENG 116: Literature and History of the 1960s Units: 4
- ENG 120: Chicanx, Latinx & Indigenous Representation Units: 4
- ENG 125: Ecology and Indigenous Religious Traditions Units: 4
- ENG 132: Human Rights and Literature Units: 4
- ENG 133: Race, Law, and American Literature Units: 4
- ENG 134: Poetry and Justice Units: 4
- ENG 136: Working Class Literature: American Units: 4
- ENG 140: Asian American and Pacific Islander Poetry Units: 4
- ENG 155: Toni Morrison and James Baldwin Units: 4
- ENG 165: Tragic Drama: From Ancient Greece to the Present Day Units: 4
- ENG 169: Theatre and Social Responsibility Units: 4
- ENG 183: Literature and Queer Ecology Units: 4
- ENG 184: Literature and Queer Studies Units: 4
- ENG 185: Reading from the Margin Units: 4
- ENG 187: Shakespeare and Social Justice Units: 4
- ENGR 190: Engineering Capstone Design Units: 4
- ESS 011: Climate Justice Units: 4
- FRE 001: Elementary French I Units: 4
- FRE 002: Elementary French II Units: 4
- FRE 003: Intermediate French I Units: 4
- FRE 004: Intermediate French II Units: 4
- FRE 103: French Composition and Conversation Units: 4
- GASP 003: Introduction to Visual Culture Units: 4
- GASP 006: Global Art History Units: 4
- GASP 007: Music in Society Units: 4
- GASP 030A: Latin American Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 030C: Swing Band Units: 2
- GASP 031A: Latin American Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 031C: Swing Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 041A: Performative Storytelling Units: 2
- GASP 055A: Arts of Asia Units: 4
- GASP 055B: Arts of the Islamic World Units: 4
- GASP 056: Contemporary Art Units: 4
- GASP 057: History and Practice of Photography Units: 4
- GASP 059: Topics in Visual Culture Units: 4
- GASP 059A: Cinema as Rebellion and Love Units: 4
- GASP 060: Introduction to Film Analysis Units: 4
- GASP 064B: Power in Film Units: 4
- GASP 065A: Bollywood Units: 4
- GASP 066A: The American Musical Units: 4
- GASP 070B: Music of the Atlantic World Units: 4
- GASP 072B: Elements and Cultures of Hip Hop Units: 4
- GASP 076A: Social Dance, Social Bodies Units: 4
- GASP 079A: Topics in Music Units: 4
- GASP 079B: Topics in Dance Units: 4
- GASP 103T: Music, Language, and Cognition Units: 4
- GASP 103U: Race and the Media Units: 4
- GASP 119: Topics in Public Art Units: 4
- GASP 144A: Art for Social Change Units: 4
- GASP 153: Theater and Social Responsibility Units: 4
- GASP 156B: South Asia After Europe: Visual Cultures of Colonialism & Post-colonialism Units: 4
- GASP 157: Critical Photography Units: 4
- GASP 158B: Women, Gender, and Art in Islamic Cultures Units: 4
- GASP 160: Film Theory and Criticism Units: 4
- GASP 172B: Global Popular Music Units: 4
- GASP 173A: Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology Units: 4
- GASP 174A: Music, Gender, and Sexuality Units: 4
- GASP 190: Theories of Expressive Culture Units: 4
- HIST 016: Forging of the United States, 1607-1877 Units: 4
- HIST 017: Twentieth-Century America Units: 4
- HIST 027: Local Harvest, Global Industry: History of the Production and Consumption of Food Units: 4
- HIST 043: African Civilization Units: 4
- HIST 051: The History of Things: A History of the Contemporary World Units: 4
- HIST 052: Power in Film Units: 4
- HIST 055: Arts of the Islamic World Units: 4
- HIST 055A: Arts of Asia Units: 4
- HIST 070: History of the Middle East to 1500 Units: 4
- HIST 071: History of the Middle East since 1500 Units: 4
- HIST 106: Topics in the History of Women and Gender Units: 4
- HIST 107: Topics in Urban History Units: 4
- HIST 115: Topics in African History Units: 4
- HIST 116: History of Decolonization in the Twentieth Century Units: 4
- HIST 123: Comparative Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 4
- HIST 124A: African American History to 1877 Units: 4
- HIST 124B: African American History 1877 to Present Units: 4
- HIST 124BR: African American History 1877 to Present: Research Units: 4
- HIST 133: Topics in Nineteenth Century U.S. History Units: 4
- HIST 135: Literature and History of the 1960s Units: 4
- HIST 137: Gender, Race, and Slavery in American History Units: 4
- HIST 138: Topics in Visual Culture Units: 4
- HIST 141: The African Diaspora in Latin America Units: 4
- HIST 142R: Topics in Latin American History: Research Units: 4
- HIST 143: West Africa and the Making of the Atlantic World Units: 4
- HIST 147: Decolonizing Africa Units: 4
- HIST 152: Twentieth Century Latin American Revolutions Units: 4
- HIST 156B: South Asia After Europe: Visual Cultures of Colonialism & Post-colonialism Units: 4
- HIST 158: Topics in Middle Eastern History Units: 4
- HIST 164: Urban East Asia Units: 4
- HIST 166A: History of Korea Units: 4
- HIST 166B: Topics in Korean History and Cultures Units: 4
- HIST 167A: History of Japan Units: 4
- HIST 167B: Topics in Japanese History and Cultures Units: 4
- HIST 172: Europe and the Early Modern Atlantic World Units: 4
- HIST 181: Historical Geography of North America Units: 4
- HIST 187R: White Supremacy and White Violence in the US: Research Units: 4
- HS 140: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice Units: 4
- HS 181: Historical Geography of North America Units: 4
- HS 185: Ethnic Geography Units: 4
- JPN 001: Elementary Japanese I Units: 4
- JPN 002: Elementary Japanese II Units: 4
- JPN 003: Intermediate Japanese I Units: 4
- JPN 004: Intermediate Japanese II Units: 4
- JPN 103: Advanced Japanese I Units: 4
- JPN 104: Advanced Japanese II Units: 4
- ME 170: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Units: 3
- MGMT 118: Women in Executive Leadership Units: 4
- MGMT 122: Teams and Organizations Units: 4
- MIST 011: Climate Justice Units: 4
- MIST 130: Statistical Data Analysis and Optimization in R for Decision Support Units: 4
- NSED 100: Project Based Instruction: Assessment and Management for Beginning Teachers Units: 4
- NSED 120: Classroom Interactions in Science and Mathematics: A Focus on Equity in Urban and Rural Schools Units: 4
- PH 111: Social Epidemiology Units: 4
- PH 113: Latino and Immigrant Health Units: 4
- PHIL 008: Love, Sex, and Gender Units: 4
- PHIL 109: Philosophy of Law Units: 4
- POLI 001: Introduction to American Politics Units: 4
- POLI 009: Community Mobilization and Politics Units: 4
- POLI 106: Urban Politics Units: 4
- POLI 111: Liberty, Equality and the Constitution Units: 4
- POLI 127: Race, Gender, and Politics Units: 4
- POLI 140: Transitions to Democracy Units: 4
- POLI 158: Politics of Human Rights Units: 4
- PSY 124: Health Disparities Units: 4
- PSY 130: Developmental Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 133: Neurodevelopmental Cognitive, Language and Learning Disorders Units: 4
- PSY 134: Adolescent Development Units: 4
- PSY 142: Psychopathology Units: 4
- PSY 145: Human Sexuality Units: 4
- PSY 146: Psychology of Gender Units: 4
- PSY 151: The Psychology of Stereotyping and Prejudice Units: 4
- PSY 152: Psychological Perspectives on Cultural, Racial and Ethnic Diversity Units: 4
- PSY 170: Industrial and Organizational Psychology Units: 4
- SOC 001: Introduction to Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 009: Community Mobilization and Politics Units: 4
- SOC 020: Social Problems Units: 4
- SOC 030: Social Inequality Units: 4
- SOC 035: Introduction to Political Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 060: Introduction to Sociology of Gender Units: 4
- SOC 107: Law and Society Units: 4
- SOC 108: Advanced Topics in Criminology Units: 4
- SOC 110: Social Movements, Protest and Collective Action Units: 4
- SOC 111: Environmental Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 112: Climate Change and Society Units: 4
- SOC 118: Hate Crime Units: 4
- SOC 120: Sociology of Culture Units: 4
- SOC 130: Social Stratification Units: 4
- SOC 131: Urban Inequality Units: 4
- SOC 132: Sociology of Education Units: 4
- SOC 134: Sports and Society Units: 4
- SOC 135: Sociology of Work Units: 4
- SOC 146: Social Determinants of Health Units: 4
- SOC 155: Sociology of the Family Units: 4
- SOC 160: Gender and Society Units: 4
- SOC 161: Sociology of Sexuality Units: 4
- SOC 180: Advanced Issues in Race and Ethnicity Units: 4
- SOC 181: Chicanos in U.S. Society Units: 4
- SOC 191: Sociology Senior Capstone Units: 4
- SPAN 001: Elementary Spanish I Units: 4
- SPAN 002: Elementary Spanish II Units: 4
- SPAN 003: Intermediate Spanish I Units: 4
- SPAN 004: Intermediate Spanish II Units: 4
- SPAN 010: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I Units: 4
- SPAN 011: Spanish for Heritage Speakers II Units: 4
- SPAN 050: Introduction to Hispanic Literatures I Units: 4
- SPAN 051: Introduction to Hispanic Literatures II Units: 4
- SPAN 060: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- SPAN 105: Hispanic Cultures I Units: 4
- SPAN 106: Hispanic Cultures II Units: 4
- SPAN 107: Spanish for Health Professionals Units: 4
- SPAN 108: Spanish for Business and Management Units: 4
- SPAN 111: Empire, The Postcolonial, and Representation: Reading East & West Units: 4
- SPAN 112: Chicano/a Literature Written in Spanish Units: 4
- SPAN 113: U.S. Latinx Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 114: Latinx in Children’s Literature and Film Units: 4
- SPAN 115: Chicanx Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 122: Spanish (Peninsular) 18-19 Centuries Units: 4
- SPAN 123: Spanish (Peninsular) 20-21 Centuries Units: 4
- SPAN 130: The Transatlantic Baroque Units: 4
- SPAN 131: Transatlantic Modernismo Units: 4
- SPAN 140: Latin American Colonial Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 143: Latin American Literature since Independence Units: 4
- SPAN 144: Caribbean Literatures and Cultures Units: 4
- SPAN 145: Novel of the Latin American Dictator Units: 4
- SPAN 146: Latin American Film and Fiction Units: 4
- SPAN 147: Latin American Boom Units: 4
- SPAN 148: The Narrative World of Mario Vargas Llosa Units: 4
- SPAN 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- SPAN 151: Diasporas and Exiles in Latin America Units: 4
- SPAN 153: Bilingualism and Borders in Hispanic Literatures Units: 4
- SPAN 154: Hispanic Drama and Performing Units: 4
- SPAN 170: Spanish Linguistics Units: 4
- SPAN 172: History of the Spanish Language Units: 4
- SPAN 173: Erotic Novel and Film Units: 4
- SPAN 175: Spanish in the U.S. Units: 4
- SPAN 177: Sociolinguistics and Latino Health Units: 4
- SPAN 180: Topics in Hispanic Languages and Cultures Units: 4
- SPAN 181: Topics in Literature and Culture Units: 4
- SPAN 190: Spanish Capstone Seminar Units: 4
- SPAN 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research Units:
- WRI 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4