Feb 09, 2025
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
AREA B: Social Science, Arts and Humanities
You must take three courses in the area of Social Science, Arts and Humanities. At least one course must be from Social Science and one course must be from Arts and Humanities.
Social Science Courses
- ANTH 001: Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 003: Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 005: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 100: History of Anthropological Thought and Practice Units: 4
- ANTH 110: Migration, Diaspora and Transnational Belonging Units: 4
- ANTH 111: The Anthropology of Globalization Units: 4
- ANTH 112: Political Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 113: Urban Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 114: Social Memory Units: 4
- ANTH 115: Economic Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 116: Indigenous Activism in the Americas Units: 4
- ANTH 117: The Anthropology of Citizenship Units: 4
- ANTH 120: Introduction to Medical Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 121: Ethnomedicine Units: 4
- ANTH 122: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion and Healing Units: 4
- ANTH 124: Ethnopsychology Units: 4
- ANTH 126: Anthropological Approaches to Gender Units: 4
- ANTH 130: Material Culture Units: 4
- ANTH 131: Space and Place: An Anthropological Perspective Units: 4
- ANTH 132: Archaeological Interpretation Units: 4
- ANTH 134: Dynamics of Small-scale Societies Units: 4
- ANTH 140: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice Units: 4
- ANTH 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 142: Archaeology of Colonialism Units: 4
- ANTH 144: Archaeology of Religion Units: 4
- ANTH 149: Topics in Anthropological Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 150: Race and Human Variation Units: 4
- ANTH 151: Human Adaptability Units: 4
- ANTH 152: Dying, Death, and Dead Persons Units: 4
- ANTH 155: Paleodemography Units: 4
- ANTH 160: Human Origins Units: 4
- ANTH 162: Growth, Development, and Human Evolution Units: 4
- ANTH 170: Ethnographic Methods Units: 4
- ANTH 171: Human Population Studies: Data and Mapping Units: 4
- ANTH 172: Ethnohistory Units: 4
- ANTH 174: Lithic Artifact Analysis Units: 4
- ANTH 179: Bioarchaeology Units: 4
- CCST 113: Latino and Immigrant Health Units: 4
- COGS 001: Introduction to Cognitive Science Units: 4
- COGS 005: Introduction to Language and Linguistics Units: 4
- COGS 101: Mind, Brain, and Computation Units: 4
- COGS 103: Introduction to Neural Networks in Cognitive Science Units: 4
- COGS 104: Complex Adaptive Systems Units: 4
- COGS 110: Philosophy of Cognitive Science Units: 4
- COGS 122: Modeling Social Behavior Units: 4
- COGS 130: Cognitive Neuroscience Units: 4
- COGS 149: Music, Language, and Cognition Units: 4
- COGS 159: Metaphor and Thought Units: 4
- COGS 160: Free Will in Philosophy and Cognitive Science Units: 4
- COGS 161: Experimental Philosophy Units: 4
- COGS 170: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- COGS 177: Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Science Units: 4
- COGS 178: The Cognitive Science of the Emotions Units: 4
- COGS 179: The Cognitive Science of Religion Units: 4
- COGS 182: Service Science Units: 4
- CRES 070: Music of the Caribbean World Units: 4
- CRES 100: Theories in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 110: Interdisciplinary Methods in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 121: Critical Refugee Studies Units: 4
- CRES 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- ECON 010: Statistical Inference Units: 4
- ECON 100: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Units: 4
- ECON 101: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory Units: 4
- ECON 108: Marketing and Consumer Behavior Units: 4
- ECON 110: Econometrics Units: 4
- ECON 111: American Economic History Units: 4
- ECON 115: Economics of Industrial Organization Units: 4
- ECON 116: Organizational Strategy Units: 4
- ECON 140: Labor Economics Units: 4
- ECON 145: Health Economics Units: 4
- ECON 147: Introduction to Economic Growth Units: 4
- ECON 151: The Economics of Government and Business Units: 4
- ECON 153: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- ECON 156: Urban and Regional Economics Units: 4
- ECON 164: Economics of Emerging Markets Units: 4
- ECON 172: Experimental Economics Units: 4
- GASP 070A: Music of the Pacific World Units: 4
- GASP 070B: Music of the Atlantic World Units: 4
- GASP 070C: Music of the Caribbean World Units: 4
- GASP 103T: Music, Language, and Cognition Units: 4
- GASP 164A: Advanced Topics in Film and Video Units: 4
- GASP 173A: Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology Units: 4
- GEOG 161: Earth from Space: Introduction to Remote Sensing and Global Positioning Units: 4
- GEOG 193: Projects in Geospatial Technology Units: 4
- HIST 181: Historical Geography of North America Units: 4
- HS 112: GIS for World Economic History Units: 4
- HS 140: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice Units: 4
- HS 160: Methods in Digital Heritage Units: 4
- HS 161: Earth from Space: Introduction to Remote Sensing and Global Positioning Units: 4
- HS 181: Historical Geography of North America Units: 4
- HS 183: The Cultural Landscape Units: 4
- HS 185: Ethnic Geography Units: 4
- HS 193: Projects in Geospatial Technology Units: 4
- MATH 160: Mathematical Logic Units: 4
- MGMT 118: Women in Executive Leadership Units: 4
- MGMT 122: Teams and Organizations Units: 4
- MGMT 124: Organizational Behavior and Leadership Units: 4
- MGMT 135: Business Law Units: 4
- MGMT 150: Service Science Units: 4
- MGMT 153: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- MGMT 164: Operations Management Units: 4
- MIST 050: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Units: 4
- MIST 130: Statistical Data Analysis and Optimization in R for Decision Support Units: 4
- MIST 131: Data Governance for Analytics Projects Units: 4
- MIST 134: Methods of Data and Network Science Units: 4
- MIST 136: Retailing Management Units: 4
- MIST 137: Managing Teamwork Units: 4
- MIST 150: Service Science Units: 4
- PH 001: Introduction to Public Health Units: 4
- PH 005: Global and International Public Health Units: 4
- PH 100: Introduction to Epidemiology Units: 4
- PH 102: Health Promotion Units: 4
- PH 103: Health Communication Units: 4
- PH 105: Introduction to US Health Care System Units: 4
- PH 106: Health Policy Units: 4
- PH 111: Social Epidemiology Units: 4
- PH 113: Latino and Immigrant Health Units: 4
- PHIL 102: Epistemology Units: 4
- PHIL 110: Philosophy of Cognitive Science Units: 4
- PHIL 160: Mathematical Logic Units: 4
- PHIL 171: Free Will in Philosophy and Cognitive Science Units: 4
- PHIL 172: Experimental Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 173: Consciousness in Philosophy and Cognitive Science Units: 4
- POLI 001: Introduction to American Politics Units: 4
- POLI 002: Controversies in American Politics Units: 4
- POLI 003: Introduction to Comparative Politics Units: 4
- POLI 005: Introduction to International Relations Units: 4
- POLI 006: Global Issues Units: 4
- POLI 009: Community Mobilization and Politics Units: 4
- POLI 010: Understanding Political Controversies Units: 4
- POLI 100: Congressional Politics Units: 4
- POLI 101: The Presidency Units: 4
- POLI 102: Judicial Politics Units: 4
- POLI 105: Interest Groups and Political Parties Units: 4
- POLI 106: Urban Politics Units: 4
- POLI 107: California Politics Units: 4
- POLI 108: Direct Democracy Units: 4
- POLI 110: Governmental Power and the Constitution Units: 4
- POLI 111: Liberty, Equality and the Constitution Units: 4
- POLI 112: Public Policy: Analysis, Strategy, and Impact Units: 4
- POLI 120: Voting Behavior, Campaigns, and Elections Units: 4
- POLI 123: Political Psychology Units: 4
- POLI 125: Public Opinion Units: 4
- POLI 127: Race, Gender, and Politics Units: 4
- POLI 130: Institutions of Democracy Units: 4
- POLI 135: Political Behavior Around the World Units: 4
- POLI 138: Politics of Poverty and Prosperity Units: 4
- POLI 140: Transitions to Democracy Units: 4
- POLI 142: Contemporary Chinese Politics Units: 4
- POLI 145: Political Violence Units: 4
- POLI 150: Causes of International Conflict Units: 4
- POLI 153: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- POLI 155: International Political Economy Units: 4
- POLI 158: Politics of Human Rights Units: 4
- POLI 160: US Foreign Policy Units: 4
- POLI 165: International Organizations & Regimes Units: 4
- POLI 170: Theoretical Models of Politics Units: 4
- POLI 171: Politics and Film Units: 4
- POLI 172: Games and Human Behavior Units: 4
- POLI 175: Advanced Analysis of Political Data Units: 4
- PSY 001: Introduction to Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 010: Analysis of Psychological Data Units: 5
- PSY 015: Research Methods in Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 105: Advanced Research Methods in Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 120: Health Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 123: Alcohol, Drugs, and Behavior Units: 4
- PSY 133: Neurodevelopmental Cognitive, Language and Learning Disorders Units: 4
- PSY 124: Health Disparities Units: 4
- PSY 125: Cognition, Affect, and Health Units: 4
- PSY 130: Developmental Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 134: Adolescent Development Units: 4
- PSY 136: Cognitive Development Units: 4
- PSY 140: Clinical Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 142: Abnormal Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 143: Abnormal Child Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 145: Human Sexuality Units: 4
- PSY 146: Psychology of Gender Units: 4
- PSY 151: The Psychology of Stereotyping and Prejudice Units: 4
- PSY 152: Psychological Perspectives on Cultural, Racial and Ethnic Diversity Units: 4
- PSY 155: Emotion Units: 4
- PSY 156: Social Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 158: Positive Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 159: Personality Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 161: Perceptual Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 162: Psychology of Visual Perception Units: 4
- PSY 170: Industrial and Organizational Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 171: Psychological Tests and Measurement Units: 4
- PSY 180: Physiological Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 181: Clinical Neuropsychology Units: 4
- PSY 182: Evolutionary Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 183: Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics Units: 4
- SOC 001: Introduction to Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 009: Community Mobilization and Politics Units: 4
- SOC 010: Statistics for Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 015: Sociological Research Methods Units: 4
- SOC 020: Social Problems Units: 4
- SOC 030: Social Inequality Units: 4
- SOC 035: Introduction to Political Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 060: Introduction to Sociology of Gender Units: 4
- SOC 070: Introduction to Crime and Deviance Units: 4
- SOC 107: Law and Society Units: 4
- SOC 108: Advanced Topics in Criminology Units: 4
- SOC 110: Social Movements, Protest and Collective Action Units: 4
- SOC 111: Environmental Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 115: Political Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 116: Inequality & Public Policy Units: 4
- SOC 118: Hate Crime Units: 4
- SOC 120: Sociology of Culture Units: 4
- SOC 130: Social Stratification Units: 4
- SOC 131: Urban Inequality Units: 4
- SOC 132: Sociology of Education Units: 4
- SOC 133: Higher Education in the US Units: 4
- SOC 134: Sports and Society Units: 4
- SOC 135: Sociology of Work Units: 4
- SOC 136: Globalization Units: 4
- SOC 140: Organizational Behavior Units: 4
- SOC 145: Sociology of Health Units: 4
- SOC 146: Social Determinants of Health Units: 4
- SOC 150: Self and Society Units: 4
- SOC 155: Sociology of the Family Units: 4
- SOC 160: Gender and Society Units: 4
- SOC 161: Sociology of Sexuality Units: 4
- SOC 170: Qualitative Research Methods Units: 4
- SOC 175: Topics in Advanced Sociological Research Methods Units: 4
- SOC 180: Advanced Issues in Race and Ethnicity Units: 4
- SOC 181: Chicanos in U.S. Society Units: 4
- SOC 185: Topics in Sociology Units: 4
- SOC 191: Sociology Senior Capstone Units: 4
- SPAN 050: Introduction to Hispanic Literatures I Units: 4
- SPAN 144: Caribbean Literatures and Cultures Units: 4
- SPAN 145: Novel of the Latin American Dictator Units: 4
- SPAN 146: Latin American Film and Fiction Units: 4
- SPAN 147: Latin American Boom Units: 4
- SPAN 148: The Narrative World of Mario Vargas Llosa Units: 4
- SPAN 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- WRI 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4
Arts and Humanities Courses
- ANTH 110: Migration, Diaspora and Transnational Belonging Units: 4
- ANTH 111: The Anthropology of Globalization Units: 4
- ANTH 112: Political Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 113: Urban Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 114: Social Memory Units: 4
- ANTH 116: Indigenous Activism in the Americas Units: 4
- ANTH 117: The Anthropology of Citizenship Units: 4
- ANTH 120: Introduction to Medical Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 121: Ethnomedicine Units: 4
- ANTH 122: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion and Healing Units: 4
- ANTH 124: Ethnopsychology Units: 4
- ANTH 126: Anthropological Approaches to Gender Units: 4
- ANTH 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 142: Archaeology of Colonialism Units: 4
- CCST 060: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- CCST 120: Chicanx, Latinx & Indigenous Representation Units: 4
- CHN 003: Intermediate Chinese I Units: 4
- CHN 004: Intermediate Chinese II Units: 4
- COGS 005: Introduction to Language and Linguistics Units: 4
- COGS 149: Music, Language, and Cognition Units: 4
- COGS 159: Metaphor and Thought Units: 4
- COGS 161: Experimental Philosophy Units: 4
- CRES 001: Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 020: Introduction to Asian American Studies Units: 4
- CRES 027: Local Harvest, Global Industry: History of the Production and Consumption of Food Units: 4
- CRES 043: African Civilization Units: 4
- CRES 051: The History of Things: A History of the Contemporary World Units: 4
- CRES 052: Power in Film Units: 4
- CRES 059A: Cinema as Rebellion and Love Units: 4
- CRES 070: Music of the Caribbean World Units: 4
- CRES 072B: Elements and Cultures of Hip Hop Units: 4
- CRES 076A: Social Dance, Social Bodies Units: 4
- CRES 076B: Movement for Dancers Units: 4
- CRES 100: Theories in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 101: Race and the Media Units: 4
- CRES 102: Race, Gender, Sexuality Units: 4
- CRES 110: Interdisciplinary Methods in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 119: Topics in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 120: Race, Law and Civil Rights Units: 4
- CRES 121: Critical Refugee Studies Units: 4
- CRES 122: Comparative Immigrations Units: 4
- CRES 123: Comparative Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 4
- CRES 124BR: African American History 1877 to Present: Research Units: 4
- CRES 141: The African Diaspora in Latin America Units: 4
- CRES 144: Ancient Africa: Crossroads of the World Units: 4
- CRES 145: Black Consciousness and African Freedom Units: 4
- CRES 147: Decolonizing Africa Units: 4
- CRES 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- CRES 151: British Romanticism and India Units: 4
- CRES 152: Twentieth Century Latin American Revolutions Units: 4
- CRES 153: Mesoamerican Literature and Culture Units: 4
- CRES 159: History of Iran Units: 4
- CRES 160: History of Women and Gender in the Middle East Units: 4
- EC 001: Introduction to Environmental Communications Units: 4
- ENG 001: Introduction to Environmental Communications Units: 4
- ENG 010: Foundations of Literary Studies Units: 4
- ENG 011: Introduction to World Literature in English Units: 4
- ENG 012: Introduction to Drama, Theatre, and Performance Units: 4
- ENG 018: Crime and Horror in Victorian Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 019: Animals and Literature Units: 4
- ENG 020: Introduction to Shakespeare Units: 4
- ENG 021: Jane Austen and Popular Culture Units: 4
- ENG 030: Literature of Childhood Units: 4
- ENG 031: Introduction to African-American Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 032: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- ENG 033: Literature and Sexuality Units: 4
- ENG 049: Introductory Topics in Literature Units: 4
- ENG 054: Introduction to the American Novel Units: 4
- ENG 055: Introduction to the Short Story Units: 4
- ENG 056: Introduction to World Drama Units: 4
- ENG 057: Introduction to Poetry Units: 4
- ENG 062: Literature and Gender Units: 4
- ENG 063: 20th Century Women Writers Units: 4
- ENG 064: LGBT Fiction Units: 4
- ENG 065: Literary Comedy Units: 4
- ENG 066: Literary Romance Units: 4
- ENG 067: Environmental Ethics in Beast Fables Units: 4
- ENG 090: Topics in Literature Units: 4
- ENG 101: Medieval and Renaissance Literature and Culture, 800-1660 Units: 4
- ENG 102: Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century, 1660-1830 Units: 4
- ENG 103: British and American Literature, 1830-1940 Units: 4
- ENG 104: Postwar, Postcolonial, Postmodern Literature and Culture: 1945 to the present Units: 4
- ENG 107: “The Age of Enlightenment” in the Long Eighteenth Century Units: 4
- ENG 109: Encounters with Islam in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature Units: 4
- ENG 110: British Romanticism and India Units: 4
- ENG 111: Mesoamerican Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 113: Latinx Literature Units: 4
- ENG 115: Chicanx Literature Units: 4
- ENG 116: Literature and History of the 1960s Units: 4
- ENG 120: Chicanx, Latinx & Indigenous Representation Units: 4
- ENG 122: Nature Writing and the Environment Units: 4
- ENG 123: Literature and Animal Studies Units: 4
- ENG 125: Ecology and Indigenous Religious Traditions Units: 4
- ENG 129: Topics in Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 130: Writing to Save the Planet Units: 4
- ENG 136: Working Class Literature: American Units: 4
- ENG 151: Advanced Shakespeare Units: 4
- ENG 153: Robert Louis Stevenson Units: 4
- ENG 154: Emily Dickinson: Her Poems, Her Letters, Her Life Units: 4
- ENG 155: Toni Morrison and James Baldwin Units: 4
- ENG 156: Oscar Wilde: Artist, Martyr, Celebrity Units: 4
- ENG 158: The Brontes Units: 4
- ENG 160: Dickens: The Early Years Units: 4
- ENG 165: Tragic Drama: From Ancient Greece to the Present Day Units: 4
- ENG 166: Nineteenth Century Drama and Adaptation Units: 4
- ENG 167: Theatre and Ecology Units: 4
- ENG 168: Shakespeare and Ecology Units: 4
- ENG 169: Theatre and Social Responsibility Units: 4
- ENG 170: English Linguistics Units: 4
- ENG 183: Literature and Queer Ecology Units: 4
- ENG 184: Literature and Queer Studies Units: 4
- ENG 185: Reading from the Margin Units: 4
- ENG 190: Senior Thesis Units: 4
- ENG 194H: Honors Thesis Units: 4
- ENGR 040: History of Technology in Society I Units: 4
- ENGR 041: History of Technology in Society II Units: 4
- FRE 003: Intermediate French I Units: 4
- FRE 004: Intermediate French II Units: 4
- FRE 103: French Composition and Conversation Units: 4
- GASP 001: Introduction to Media and Performance Studies Units: 4
- GASP 002: Introduction to Music Studies Units: 4
- GASP 003: Introduction to Visual Culture Units: 4
- GASP 006: Global Art History Units: 4
- GASP 007: Music in Society Units: 4
- GASP 010: Drawing I Units: 4
- GASP 011: Painting I Units: 4
- GASP 012A: Sculpture I Units: 4
- GASP 013A: Design I Units: 4
- GASP 014: Photography I Units: 4
- GASP 015A: Multimedia I Units: 4
- GASP 020: Video I Units: 4
- GASP 030A: Latin American Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 030B: South Asian Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 030C: Swing Band Units: 2
- GASP 030D: Nordic Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 031A: Latin American Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 031B: South Asian Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 031C: Swing Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 031D: Nordic Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 034A: Songwriting Units: 4
- GASP 036A: Making Electronic Music Units: 4
- GASP 036B: Recording and Studio Techniques Units: 4
- GASP 041A: Performative Storytelling Units: 2
- GASP 055A: Arts of Asia Units: 4
- GASP 055B: Arts of the Islamic World Units: 4
- GASP 055C: History of European Art and Architecture Units: 4
- GASP 056: Contemporary Art Units: 4
- GASP 057: History and Practice of Photography Units: 4
- GASP 059: Topics in Visual Culture Units: 4
- GASP 059A: Cinema as Rebellion and Love Units: 4
- GASP 060: Introduction to Film Analysis Units: 4
- GASP 060A: Anime and Animation Units: 4
- GASP 064A: Topics in Film and Video Units: 4
- GASP 064B: Power in Film Units: 4
- GASP 065A: Bollywood Units: 4
- GASP 066A: The American Musical Units: 4
- GASP 070A: Music of the Pacific World Units: 4
- GASP 070B: Music of the Atlantic World Units: 4
- GASP 070C: Music of the Caribbean World Units: 4
- GASP 072A: Popular Musics Units: 4
- GASP 072B: Elements and Cultures of Hip Hop Units: 4
- GASP 075A: Meaning in Music Units: 4
- GASP 075B: Love Songs Units: 4
- GASP 076A: Social Dance, Social Bodies Units: 4
- GASP 076B: Movement for Dancers Units: 4
- GASP 079A: Topics in Music Units: 4
- GASP 079B: Topics in Dance Units: 4
- GASP 080A: Introduction to Drama, Theatre, and Performance Units: 4
- GASP 080B: Introduction to World Drama Units: 4
- GASP 089A: Topics in Theater Units: 4
- GASP 103Q: Theatre and Ecology Units: 4
- GASP 103S: Advanced Shakespeare Units: 4
- GASP 103T: Music, Language, and Cognition Units: 4
- GASP 109: Image and Sound Units: 4
- GASP 110: Drawing II: Figure Units: 4
- GASP 112A: Sculpture II Units: 4
- GASP 114A: Photography II Units: 4
- GASP 115A: Multimedia II Units: 4
- GASP 120: Video II Units: 4
- GASP 130A: Advanced Latin Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 130B: Advanced South Asian Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 130C: Advanced Swing Band Units: 2
- GASP 130D: Advanced Nordic Music Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 131A: Advanced Latin Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 131B: Advanced South Asian Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 131C: Advanced Swing Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 131D: Advanced Nordic Dance Ensemble Units: 2
- GASP 141A: Advanced Performative Storytelling Units: 2
- GASP 144A: Art for Social Change Units: 4
- GASP 153: Theater and Social Responsibility Units: 4
- GASP 156A: Visual Arts of the 20th Century Units: 4
- GASP 156B: South Asia After Europe: Visual Cultures of Colonialism & Post-colonialism Units: 4
- GASP 156D: History of Ancient Roman Art and Architecture Units: 4
- GASP 156E: History of Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture Units: 4
- GASP 157: Critical Photography Units: 4
- GASP 158B: Women, Gender, and Art in Islamic Cultures Units: 4
- GASP 159: Topics in Visual Culture Units: 4
- GASP 160: Film Theory and Criticism Units: 4
- GASP 171: Museums as Contested Sites Units: 4
- GASP 172: Curatorial Methods and Practices Units: 4
- GASP 172A: Critical Popular Music Studies Units: 4
- GASP 172B: Global Popular Music Units: 4
- GASP 173A: Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology Units: 4
- GASP 174A: Music, Gender, and Sexuality Units: 4
- GASP 179A: Advanced Topics in Music Units: 4
- GASP 179B: Advanced Topics in Dance Units: 4
- GASP 189A: Advanced Topics in Theater Units: 4
- GASP 190: Theories of Expressive Culture Units: 4
- GASP 191: Senior Thesis Units: 4
- HIST 008: Topics in World History Units: 4
- HIST 010: Introduction to World History to 1500 Units: 4
- HIST 011: Introduction to World History Since 1500 Units: 4
- HIST 016: Forging of the United States, 1607-1877 Units: 4
- HIST 017: Twentieth-Century America Units: 4
- HIST 027: Local Harvest, Global Industry: History of the Production and Consumption of Food Units: 4
- HIST 030B: Early Modern Europe Units: 4
- HIST 039: Topics in U.S. History Units: 4
- HIST 040: History of Technology in Society I Units: 4
- HIST 041: History of Technology in Society II Units: 4
- HIST 042: The Body in Health and Disease - An Introduction to the History of Medicine Units: 4
- HIST 043: African Civilization Units: 4
- HIST 051: The History of Things: A History of the Contemporary World Units: 4
- HIST 052: Power in Film Units: 4
- HIST 055: Arts of the Islamic World Units: 4
- HIST 055A: Arts of Asia Units: 4
- HIST 060: The Silk Road Units: 4
- HIST 070: History of the Middle East to 1500 Units: 4
- HIST 071: History of the Middle East since 1500 Units: 4
- HIST 100: The Historian’s Craft Units: 4
- HIST 106: Topics in the History of Women and Gender Units: 4
- HIST 107: Topics in Urban History Units: 4
- HIST 108: Topics in World History Units: 4
- HIST 109: Topics in the History of Science and Technology Units: 4
- HIST 111: The Legacy of Genghis Khan Units: 4
- HIST 113: History of the Gunpowder Empires Units: 4
- HIST 115: Topics in African History Units: 4
- HIST 116: History of Decolonization in the Twentieth Century Units: 4
- HIST 117R: Topics in Regional or State History: Research Units: 4
- HIST 123: Comparative Race and Ethnicity in the United States Units: 4
- HIST 124A: African American History to 1877 Units: 4
- HIST 124B: African American History 1877 to Present Units: 4
- HIST 124BR: African American History 1877 to Present: Research Units: 4
- HIST 128: The United States and the Vietnam War Units: 4
- HIST 130: The Cold War, 1941-1991 Units: 4
- HIST 132: Intelligence and National Security, 1945-2000 Units: 4
- HIST 133: Topics in Nineteenth Century U.S. History Units: 4
- HIST 135: Literature and History of the 1960s Units: 4
- HIST 137: Gender, Race, and Slavery in American History Units: 4
- HIST 138: Topics in Visual Culture Units: 4
- HIST 139: Topics in United States History Units: 4
- HIST 141: The African Diaspora in Latin America Units: 4
- HIST 142: Topics in Latin American History Units: 4
- HIST 142R: Topics in Latin American History: Research Units: 4
- HIST 143: West Africa and the Making of the Atlantic World Units: 4
- HIST 144: Ancient Africa: Crossroads of the World Units: 4
- HIST 145: Black Consciousness and African Freedom Units: 4
- HIST 147: Decolonizing Africa Units: 4
- HIST 152: Twentieth Century Latin American Revolutions Units: 4
- HIST 156B: South Asia After Europe: Visual Cultures of Colonialism & Post-colonialism Units: 4
- HIST 158: Topics in Middle Eastern History Units: 4
- HIST 158R: Topics in Middle Eastern History: Research Units: 4
- HIST 159: History of Iran Units: 4
- HIST 160: History of Women and Gender in the Middle East Units: 4
- HIST 165A: China in the Ancient World Units: 4
- HIST 165B: From Tang to Song: China in the Medieval World Units: 4
- HIST 165C: Late Imperial China Units: 4
- HIST 165D: China in the Modern World Units: 4
- HIST 169: History and Heritage of Tibet Units: 4
- HIST 170R: Law and Society in Early Modern England: Research Units: 4
- HIST 171: Modern European Intellectual History Units: 4
- HIST 172: Europe and the Early Modern Atlantic World Units: 4
- HIST 173: History of Ancient Roman Art and Architecture Units: 4
- HIST 174: History of Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture Units: 4
- HIST 179: Topics in European History Units: 4
- HIST 180: The Silk Road Units: 4
- HIST 181: Historical Geography of North America Units: 4
- HIST 187R: White Supremacy and White Violence in the US: Research Units: 4
- HIST 191: History Capstone Seminar Units: 4
- HS 169: History and Heritage of Tibet Units: 4
- HS 181: Historical Geography of North America Units: 4
- HS 185: Ethnic Geography Units: 4
- JPN 003: Intermediate Japanese I Units: 4
- JPN 004: Intermediate Japanese II Units: 4
- JPN 103: Advanced Japanese I Units: 4
- JPN 104: Advanced Japanese II Units: 4
- PHIL 001: Introduction to Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 002: Introduction to Ethics Units: 4
- PHIL 003: Contemporary Moral Problems Units: 4
- PHIL 004: Critical Reasoning Units: 4
- PHIL 009: Phenomenology and Existentialism Units: 4
- PHIL 101: Metaphysics Units: 4
- PHIL 102: Epistemology Units: 4
- PHIL 104: Ethical Theory Units: 4
- PHIL 105: Philosophy of Language Units: 4
- PHIL 106: Philosophy of Science Units: 4
- PHIL 107: Philosophy of Religion Units: 4
- PHIL 108: Political Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 109: Philosophy of Law Units: 4
- PHIL 130: Ancient Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 131: Topics in Ancient Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 134: Modern Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 135: Topics in Modern Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 150: Topics in Phenomenology Units: 4
- PHIL 157: Philosophy of Love and Friendship Units: 4
- PHIL 170: Philosophy, Politics and Economics Units: 4
- PHIL 172: Experimental Philosophy Units: 4
- PSY 162: Psychology of Visual Perception Units: 4
- SPAN 003: Intermediate Spanish I Units: 4
- SPAN 004: Intermediate Spanish II Units: 4
- SPAN 010: Spanish for Heritage Speakers I Units: 4
- SPAN 011: Spanish for Heritage Speakers II Units: 4
- SPAN 050: Introduction to Hispanic Literatures I Units: 4
- SPAN 060: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- SPAN 103: Spanish Composition and Conversation Units: 4
- SPAN 105: Hispanic Cultures I Units: 4
- SPAN 106: Hispanic Cultures II Units: 4
- SPAN 107: Spanish for Health Professionals Units: 4
- SPAN 108: Spanish for Business and Management Units: 4
- SPAN 111: Empire, The Postcolonial, and Representation: Reading East & West Units: 4
- SPAN 112: Chicano/a Literature Written in Spanish Units: 4
- SPAN 113: U.S. Latinx Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 114: Latinx in Children’s Literature and Film Units: 4
- SPAN 115: Chicanx Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 122: Spanish (Peninsular) 18-19 Centuries Units: 4
- SPAN 123: Spanish (Peninsular) 20-21 Centuries Units: 4
- SPAN 130: The Transatlantic Baroque Units: 4
- SPAN 131: Transatlantic Modernismo Units: 4
- SPAN 140: Latin American Colonial Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 143: Latin American Literature since Independence Units: 4
- SPAN 144: Caribbean Literatures and Cultures Units: 4
- SPAN 145: Novel of the Latin American Dictator Units: 4
- SPAN 146: Latin American Film and Fiction Units: 4
- SPAN 147: Latin American Boom Units: 4
- SPAN 148: The Narrative World of Mario Vargas Llosa Units: 4
- SPAN 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- SPAN 153: Bilingualism and Borders in Hispanic Literatures Units: 4
- SPAN 154: Hispanic Drama and Performing Units: 4
- SPAN 170: Spanish Linguistics Units: 4
- SPAN 172: History of the Spanish Language Units: 4
- SPAN 173: Erotic Novel and Film Units: 4
- SPAN 175: Spanish in the U.S. Units: 4
- SPAN 177: Sociolinguistics and Latino Health Units: 4
- SPAN 180: Topics in Hispanic Languages and Cultures Units: 4
- SPAN 181: Topics in Literature and Culture Units: 4
- WRI 025: Introduction to Creative Writing Units: 4
- WRI 030: Introduction to Professional Writing Units: 4
- WRI 040: Humanities Writing Units: 4
- WRI 100: Advanced Writing Units: 4
- WRI 104: Personal Style and Formal Writing Units: 3
- WRI 105: Grammar and Style Units: 4
- WRI 112: Writing in the Arts Units: 4
- WRI 117: Writing for the Social Sciences and Humanities Units: 4
- WRI 122: Special Topics in Rhetoric Units: 4
- WRI 125A: Topics in Creative Writing: Poetry Units: 4
- WRI 125B: Topics in Creative Writing: Fiction Units: 4
- WRI 125C: Topics in Creative Writing: Creative Nonfiction Units: 4
- WRI 125D: Topics in Creative Writing: Drama Units: 4
- WRI 130: Topics in Professional Writing Units: 4
- WRI 131A: Journal Production: Technical Writing and Editing Units: 2
- WRI 131B: Journal Production: Vernal Pool Units: 2
- WRI 131C: Journal Production: Undergraduate Research Journal (URJ) Units: 2
- WRI 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4
Social Science, Arts and Humanities Additional Enrollment Opportunities