Feb 16, 2025
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Investigate the ethical implications of research, policy, or behavior.
Ethics Co-Curricular Experiences
Ethics Courses
- ANTH 001: Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 003: Introduction to Anthropological Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 005: Introduction to Biological Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 100: History of Anthropological Thought and Practice Units: 4
- ANTH 110: Migration, Diaspora and Transnational Belonging Units: 4
- ANTH 111: The Anthropology of Globalization Units: 4
- ANTH 112: Political Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 113: Urban Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 114: Social Memory Units: 4
- ANTH 116: Indigenous Activism in the Americas Units: 4
- ANTH 117: The Anthropology of Citizenship Units: 4
- ANTH 120: Introduction to Medical Anthropology Units: 4
- ANTH 121: Ethnomedicine Units: 4
- ANTH 122: Anthropological Perspectives on Religion and Healing Units: 4
- ANTH 124: Ethnopsychology Units: 4
- ANTH 126: Anthropological Approaches to Gender Units: 4
- ANTH 130: Material Culture Units: 4
- ANTH 134: Dynamics of Small-scale Societies Units: 4
- ANTH 140: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice Units: 4
- ANTH 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 142: Archaeology of Colonialism Units: 4
- ANTH 144: Archaeology of Religion Units: 4
- ANTH 149: Topics in Anthropological Archaeology Units: 4
- ANTH 152: Dying, Death, and Dead Persons Units: 4
- ANTH 155: Paleodemography Units: 4
- ANTH 170: Ethnographic Methods Units: 4
- ANTH 172: Ethnohistory Units: 4
- BIO 034: Introduction to Marine Science Units: 4
- BIO 043: Biodiversity and Conservation Units: 4
- BIO 047: Astrobiology Units: 4
- BIO 150L: Developmental Biology Laboratory Units: 3
- BIOE 108: Genetic Engineering Units: 3
- CCST 060: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- CHEM 194: Ethics and Communication in Chemistry Units: 1
- COGS 005: Introduction to Language and Linguistics Units: 4
- COGS 159: Metaphor and Thought Units: 4
- COGS 161: Experimental Philosophy Units: 4
- COGS 170: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- CRES 001: Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 027: Local Harvest, Global Industry: History of the Production and Consumption of Food Units: 4
- CRES 100: Theories in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 101: Race and the Media Units: 4
- CRES 110: Interdisciplinary Methods in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Units: 4
- CRES 120: Race, Law and Civil Rights Units: 4
- CRES 121: Critical Refugee Studies Units: 4
- CRES 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- CRS 010: Introduction to Community Engaged Research Units: 4
- CRS 195: Community Research and Service Experience Units:
- CSE 005: Introduction to Computer Applications Units: 4
- CSE 155: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction Units: 4
- ECON 149: Economics of Sports Units: 4
- ECON 153: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- ECON 155: Political Economics Units: 4
- ECON 172: Experimental Economics Units: 4
- ENG 010: Foundations of Literary Studies Units: 4
- ENG 018: Crime and Horror in Victorian Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 031: Introduction to African-American Literature and Culture Units: 4
- ENG 032: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- ENG 033: Literature and Sexuality Units: 4
- ENG 064: LGBT Fiction Units: 4
- ENG 067: Environmental Ethics in Beast Fables Units: 4
- ENG 100: Engaging Texts: Introduction to Critical Practice Units: 4
- ENG 103: British and American Literature, 1830-1940 Units: 4
- ENG 109: Encounters with Islam in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature Units: 4
- ENG 114: Latinos/as in Children’s Literature and Film Units: 4
- ENG 156: Oscar Wilde: Artist, Martyr, Celebrity Units: 4
- ENG 185: Reading from the Margin Units: 4
- ENGR 097: Engineering Service Learning Units:
- ENGR 175: Information Systems for Management Units: 4
- ENGR 190: Engineering Capstone Design Units: 4
- ENGR 197: Engineering Service Learning Units:
- ENVE 164: Energy Policy Units: 4
- ENVE 190: Environmental Engineering Capstone Design Units: 3
- ESS 034: Introduction to Marine Science Units: 4
- ESS 043: Biodiversity and Conservation Units: 4
- ESS 047: Astrobiology Units: 4
- FRE 103: French Composition and Conversation Units: 4
- GASP 070A: Music of the Pacific World Units: 4
- GASP 070B: Music of the Atlantic World Units: 4
- GASP 070C: Music of the Caribbean World Units: 4
- GASP 075A: Meaning in Music Units: 4
- GASP 076A: Social Dance Units: 4
- GASP 172: Curatorial Methods and Practices Units: 4
- GASP 172A: Critical Popular Music Studies Units: 4
- GASP 172B: Global Popular Music Units: 4
- GASP 173A: Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology Units: 4
- GASP 174A: Music, Gender, and Sexuality Units: 4
- HIST 027: Local Harvest, Global Industry: History of the Production and Consumption of Food Units: 4
- JPN 103: Advanced Japanese I Units: 4
- JPN 104: Advanced Japanese II Units: 4
- ME 170: Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design Units: 3
- MGMT 122: Teams and Organizations Units: 4
- MGMT 123: Business Ethics Units: 4
- MGMT 124: Organizational Behavior and Leadership Units: 4
- MGMT 125: Entertainment Management Units: 4
- MGMT 127: Public Sector and Non-profit Management Units: 4
- MGMT 135: Business Law Units: 4
- MGMT 136: Advanced Business Law Units: 4
- MGMT 153: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- MGMT 170: Information Systems for Management Units: 4
- MIST 130: Statistical Data Analysis and Optimization in R for Decision Support Units: 4
- MIST 164: Energy Policy Units: 4
- MIST 175: Information Systems for Management Units: 4
- MSE 120: Materials Capstone Design Units: 3
- PH 005: Global and International Public Health Units: 4
- PHIL 002: Introduction to Ethics Units: 4
- PHIL 003: Contemporary Moral Problems Units: 4
- PHIL 104: Ethical Theory Units: 4
- PHIL 131: Topics in Ancient Philosophy Units: 4
- PHIL 157: Philosophy of Love and Friendship Units: 4
- PHIL 170: Philosophy, Politics and Economics Units: 4
- PHIL 172: Experimental Philosophy Units: 4
- PHYS 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research Units:
- PHYS 196: Undergraduate Thesis Units: 2
- POLI 112: Public Policy: Analysis, Strategy, and Impact Units: 4
- POLI 153: Judgment and Decision Making Units: 4
- POLI 158: Politics of Human Rights Units: 4
- PSY 015: Research Methods in Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 125: Cognition, Affect, and Health Units: 4
- PSY 133: Neurodevelopmental Cognitive, Language and Learning Disorders Units: 4
- PSY 140: Clinical Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 142: Abnormal Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 156: Social Psychology Units: 4
- PSY 171: Psychological Tests and Measurement Units: 4
- PSY 183: Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics Units: 4
- PSY 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research Units:
- SOC 015: Sociological Research Methods Units: 4
- SOC 107: Law and Society Units: 4
- SOC 145: Sociology of Health Units: 4
- SOC 170: Qualitative Research Methods Units: 4
- SOC 175: Topics in Advanced Sociological Research Methods Units: 4
- SPAN 050: Introduction to Hispanic Literatures Units: 4
- SPAN 060: Introduction to Chicano/a Culture and Experiences Units: 4
- SPAN 100: Engaging Texts: Introduction to Critical Practice Units: 4
- SPAN 105: Hispanic Cultures I Units: 4
- SPAN 106: Hispanic Cultures II Units: 4
- SPAN 107: Spanish for Health Professionals Units: 4
- SPAN 108: Spanish for Business and Management Units: 4
- SPAN 111: Empire, The Postcolonial, and Representation: Reading East & West Units: 4
- SPAN 114: Latinos/as in Children’s Literature and Film Units: 4
- SPAN 140: Latin American Colonial Literature Units: 4
- SPAN 143: Latin American Literature since Independence Units: 4
- SPAN 144: Caribbean Literatures and Cultures Units: 4
- SPAN 145: Novel of the Latin American Dictator Units: 4
- SPAN 146: Latin American Film and Fiction Units: 4
- SPAN 147: Latin American Boom Units: 4
- SPAN 148: The Narrative World of Mario Vargas Llosa Units: 4
- SPAN 150: Asians in the Americas Units: 4
- SPAN 151: Diasporas and Exiles in Latin America Units: 4
- SPAN 177: Sociolinguistics and Latino Health Units: 4
- SPAN 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research Units:
- WH 140: Cultural Heritage Policy and Practice Units: 4
- WH 190: Topics in World Heritage Units: 4
- WRI 141: Writing Narrative for Archaeology Units: 4