Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Lower Division Courses numbered 1–99 are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores but are open to all students for lower division credit. (Graduate students requesting to enroll in lower-division undergraduate courses will not receive unit credit nor will the course fulfill degree requirements.) Upper Division Courses courses numbered 100–199 are open to all students who have met the necessary prerequisites as indicated in the catalog course description. Preparation should generally include completion of one lower division course in the given subject or completion of two years of college work.


Courses numbered 200–299 are open to graduate students. (Undergraduate students must obtain the signature of the instructor, School Dean, and the Dean of Graduate Studies. Graduate level units will count towards the required 120 units for graduation; however students are urged to meet with their academic advisor in order to determine if graduate course units may be used to fulfill a graduation requirement.)


Cross-listed Courses are the same course offered under different course subjects at the same level (either undergraduate or graduate) that share the same meeting time, requirements, units, etc. Conjoined Courses are the same course but one is undergraduate and one is graduate.


A corequisite course is a course that must be taken at the same time as another course.


Prerequisites for courses should be followed carefully; the responsibility for meeting these requirements rests on the student. If you can demonstrate that your preparation is equivalent to that specified by the prerequisites, the instructor may waive these requirements for you. The instructor also may request that a student who has not completed the prerequisites be dropped from the course. If the prerequisite for a course is not satisfied, students must obtain the approval of the instructor (or school designee) of the course they wish to take.

For all undergraduate courses a “C-” or better grade is required for a course to be used as a prerequisite for another course. If a course was taken for a “P/NP” grade then a “P” grade is required.

For all graduate courses a “B” or better grade is required for a course to be used as a prerequisite for another course. If a course was taken for a “S/U” grade then a “S” grade is required.


No credit is allowed for completing a less advanced course after successful completion (C-or better) of a more advanced course in the foreign languages. This applies only to lower division foreign language courses, not upper division courses. 


Unless otherwise stated in the course description, each course is letter graded with a P/NP or S/U option (unless required for your major or graduate program). The policy regarding Grading Options , can be found in an alternate section of the catalog.

More information about Course Substitutions  and Course Materials and Services Fees  can be found in alternate areas of the catalog.


Earth Systems Science

  • ESS 170: Fundamentals of Soil Science

    [3 units]

    Examines the soil as a natural resource and soils as ecosystems. Soil science explores the major physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils, and fundamental processes that regulate interaction of the terrestrial biosphere with other components of the earth system.

    Corequisite: ESS 170L . Prerequisite: (CHEM 002  or CHEM 002H  or equivalent exam) and (BIO 001  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Conjoined with ES 201 .

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  • Syllabus

    ESS 174: Stable Isotope Ecology

    [4 units]

    The fundamentals of stable isotope ecology, biochemistry, and geochemistry using both lecture and lab. Isotope systematics for carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur and how they operate in plants, animals, soils, microbes, and enzymes are the course’s framework. Lab section will teach sample preparation and hypothesis building using stable isotopes.

    Prerequisite: ESS 148  or BIO 148 . Open only to standing(s): Junior, Senior. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included. Cross-Listed with BIO 174 . Conjoined with ES 274 .

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  • ESS 180: Field Methods in Earth Systems

    [4 units]

    Field techniques in chemistry, hydrology, geology, ecology, and microbiology, emphasizing principles of measurement, observation, and interpretation; integration of diverse data sets.

    Prerequisite: (CHEM 010  or CHEM 010H  or equivalent exam) and (MATH 012  or MATH 022  or equivalent exam) and (PHYS 008  or PHYS 008H  or PHYS 018  or equivalent exam). Laboratory included.

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  • ESS 192: Topics in Environmental Systems

    [2-4 units]

    Treatment of a special topic or theme in Environmental Systems.

    Open only to standing(s): Junior, Senior. Course may be repeated 4 times for credit in a different subject area. Discussion, Laboratory included. Conjoined with ES 292 .

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  • ESS 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research

    [1-5 units]

    Supervised research.

    Permission of instructor required. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ESS 198: Upper Division Directed Group Study

    [1-5 units]

    Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated 1 time for credit.

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  • ESS 199: Upper Division Individual Study

    [1-5 units]

    Open only to standing(s): Junior, Senior. Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated 1 time for credit.

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  • ECON 001: Introduction to Economics

    [4 units]

    Introduction to economics principles and methods, including microeconomics (operation of the economy at the individual and firm level) and macroeconomics (nature and functions of the national economy in a global context).

    Discussion included.

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  • ECON 005: Introduction to Business and Finance

    [4 units]

    Provides an introduction to the modern business enterprise. It covers the role of the business enterprise in the global economy; financial tools, including the time value of money and capital budgeting; product pricing and marketing; and personal financial management.

    Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 006A: Financial Accounting I

    [4 units]

    A broad introduction to accounting. Students draw up and interpret accounts and are introduced to some key ideas of auditing. Covers the fundamental accounting concepts and how to apply them; record accounting entries, prepare accounts for different business entities and understand the differences between them, the basic principles of auditing.

    Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 006B: Financial Accounting II

    [4 units]

    Covers tools of financial accounting, including accounting for revenues and costs in the income statement; cash flows; and assets, liabilities, and equity in the balance sheet. There will be in-depth coverage of accounting for cash, receivables, inventories, property, plant and equipment, depreciation, and intangible assets.

    Prerequisite: ECON 006A . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 007: Managerial Accounting

    [4 units]

    Learn what financial information is needed within an organization; where to obtain this information; and how managers can use this information. Topics include cost behavior and forecasting, capital budgeting, activity-based costing and management, costs of quality and productivity improvement programs, cost-volume analysis, tactical decision making and transfer pricing.

    Prerequisite: ECON 006A . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 010: Statistical Inference

    [4 units]

    Introduction to the application of social scientific methods to the study of economics, politics, and management. Covers research design, random sampling, descriptive and inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, and the linear regression model with an emphasis on applications.

    Prerequisite: MATH 005  or MATH 011  or MATH 021  or equivalent exam. Laboratory included.

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  • ECON 092: Internship in Economics

    [1-4 units]

    Provides oversight and structure for a student’s internship in a field related to Economics in community organizations, professional research projects, etc. connected to the study of Economics. Students are required to write an original research paper or relevant product that demonstrates how the internship advanced their knowledge of Economics.

    Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit.

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  • ECON 095: Lower Division Undergraduate Research

    [1-5 units]

    Supervised research.

    Permission of instructor required. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ECON 098: Lower Division Directed Group Study

    [1-5 units]

    Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated 1 time for credit.

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  • ECON 099: Lower Division Individual Study

    [1-5 units]

    Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ECON 100: Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    [4 units]

    Price determination and resource distribution theory under conditions of perfect and imperfect competition. General equilibrium and welfare economics.

    Prerequisite: (ECON 001  or equivalent exam) and (MATH 011  or MATH 021  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Discussion included.

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  • ECON 101: Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

    [4 units]

    Analysis of output, employment, interest rates, and the price level. The effects of these on changes in monetary and fiscal variables.

    Prerequisite: (ECON 001  or equivalent exam) and (MATH 011  or MATH 021  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Discussion included.

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  • ECON 105: Corporate Finance

    [4 units]

    Explores corporate decision making in allocating investment funds to capital projects and alternative methods of raising capital from financial markets. Related topics include asset pricing, capital budgeting, capital structure, dividend policy, valuation of bonds, stocks, and options. Particular attention is paid to how managers maximize shareholder wealth.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 108: Marketing and Consumer Behavior

    [4 units]

    Outlines the foundations of marketing and its relationship with consumer behavior. Emphasis on the fundamental concepts underlying modern marketing practices including consumer preferences, product value, pricing strategies, retail markets, brand loyalty, advertising, product development and marketing ethics.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or equivalent exam. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 110: Econometrics

    [4 units]

    Introduction of problems of observation, estimation and hypotheses testing in economics through the study of the theory and application of linear regression models, critical evaluation of selected examples of empirical research and exercises in applied economics.

    Prerequisite: (ECON 010  or equivalent exam) and (MATH 011  or MATH 021  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • ECON 111: American Economic History

    [4 units]

    Analysis of output, employment, interest rates, and the price level. A survey of trends in the American economy; emphasis on factors explaining economic growth and on the changing distribution of the gains and losses associated with growth.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 .

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  • ECON 115: Economics of Industrial Organization

    [4 units]

    Examination of firm behavior in various competitive environments. Extends the theory of the firm and introduces real-world complications, such as contract enforcement, property rights, and limited information. Analyzes the determinants of market power by firms, strategic interactions among firms, and the role of government regulation.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 116: Organizational Strategy

    [4 units]

    Discussion of critical issues in the design and functioning of effective organizations. Topics covered include: the boundary of the firm, firm structure, arrangements within the firm, alliances and contracts between firms, and trust and culture in the firm.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or equivalent exam. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 120: Economics of the Environment and Public Policy

    [4 units]

    Provides a systematic analysis of environmental policy issues using microeconomic theory. Topics covered include elements of welfare economics, theories of environmental policy instruments, the law and economics of environmental regulation, economics of recycling, and international environmental issues.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or ESS 001  or equivalent exam. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • ECON 121: The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Institutions

    [4 units]

    Addresses issues of money, banking, and financial institutions. Topics covered include: the structure of central banks and the Federal Reserve system, theories of money demand and money supply, the relationship between money supply and overall economic activity, and the role the Federal Reserve plays in economic stabilization.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or equivalent exam. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 126: Economics of Innovation, Ideas and Growth

    [4 units]

    In-depth look at the innovation ecosystem both domestic and abroad; considering what spurs innovation, how new ideas flow, and the long run implications both domestic and abroad.

    Prerequisite: ECON 101 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 131: History of Economic Thought

    [4 units]

    Studies the foundations and evolution of modern economic thought, from the Mercantilists of the 1500s to Smith, Marx, Keynes and the Post-Keynesians. In-depth look at the ever changing ways that economic theorists view the market, resources and their distribution.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or equivalent exam. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 140: Labor Economics

    [4 units]

    Analysis of the economic forces that shape labor markets, institutions, and performance in the United States and other countries, with special attention to the determinants of labor supply and demand, human capital investment, and government policy.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 .

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  • ECON 142: The Economics of Gender and Poverty

    [4 units]

    Analysis of the economic issues pertaining to gender with an emphasis on studying and evaluating U.S. policy. Topics include work-life balance, occupational choice, the gender earnings/wage gap, housework, and changing social norms. The intersection between gender and poverty is also discussed, particularly as it pertains to U.S. welfare policy.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or equivalent exam.

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  • ECON 145: Health Economics

    [4 units]

    An economic analysis of policies and institutions in the U.S. health care sector: supply and demand for health services, conceptual and policy issues relating to health insurance, and economic analysis of efficient regulatory policies toward the health care sector.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 .

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  • ECON 149: Economics of Sports

    [4 units]

    Applies economic theory to topics such as league structure, team decision making, labor-relations, incentive structures, stadium financing and the role of public policy on competitive sports.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and (ECON 010  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 151: Public Economics

    [4 units]

    The influence of governmental revenue and expenditure decisions on economic performance. Examines such issues as public goods and externalities, as well as specific expenditure and taxation programs.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 .

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  • ECON 153: Judgment and Decision Making

    [4 units]

    An introduction to the study of human judgment and decision making. Topics include decision making under uncertainty, financial choices, health decision making, group decisions, rational theories of choice behavior, and improving decision making. The material will be related to cognitive science, psychology, economics, and other social sciences.

    Prerequisite: COGS 001  or ECON 001  or PSY 001  or equivalent exam. Cross-Listed with COGS 153 , MGMT 153 , POLI 153 .

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  • ECON 155: Political Economics

    [4 units]

    Tools of political economics: preferences and institutions, electoral competition, agency, partisan politics. Redistributive politics: general interest politics, special interest politics. Comparative politics: electoral rules, separation of powers, political regimes. Dynamic politics: fiscal policy, growth.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 .

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  • ECON 156: Urban and Regional Economics

    [4 units]

    Discussion of urban and regional economies focusing on the interactions of individuals and firms in markets. Topics include the size and distribution of cities, location decisions of households and firms, housing, labor, and real estate markets, transportation, environment, and regional growth and development.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 161: International Finance and Trade

    [4 units]

    Examines the determination of exchange rates, managing exchange rate risk, and the international macroeconomy. Topics may include the balance of payments mechanism, international banking and credit risk, the economics of foreign direct investment, international financial crises, and policy issues in international finance such as fixed versus floating exchange rates.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  or ECON 101 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 163: Economics of Investments, Futures, and Options

    [4 units]

    Covers the investment environment for financial securities. Price formation in commodity and financial futures and options markets will be examined. Additional topics include: the theory of inter-temporal price formation, common approaches used to forecast prices, statistical analysis of historical price behavior, and futures and options market regulation.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 164: Economics of Emerging Markets

    [4 units]

    Analysis of the economics of foreign investment in emerging economies such as the newly industrializing economies of Asia and Latin America. Emphasis will be placed on understanding international capital flows, foreign direct investment, privatization of industry, the role of exchange rate and currency risk, and models of foreign portfolio investment.

    Prerequisite: ECON 101 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 170: Game Theory

    [4 units]

    Consideration of non-cooperative games in the strategic and extensive form as well as applications of game theory to issues in social science and philosophy. Topics may include: solution concepts for non-cooperative games; epistemic foundations for solution concepts; indefinitely repeated games; theories of equilibrium selection; experimental game theory.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 171: Advanced Econometrics

    [4 units]

    Develops techniques that are commonly used in empirical research beyond that of OLS. Students will learn how to analyze data, make informed conclusions, and critique the limitations and assumptions of empirical analysis. Emphasizes the application of econometrics through the use of cutting edge statistical software packages.

    Prerequisite: ECON 110 . Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 172: Experimental Economics

    [4 units]

    Outlines the methods and research conducted using controlled lab experiments in economics. Covers auctions, behavioral economics, game theory, markets, public goods, social preferences and decision under uncertainty and risk by surveying current literature and methods.

    Prerequisite: ECON 001  or equivalent exam. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 190: Topics in Economics

    [4 units]

    Intensive treatment of a special topic or problem in economics. May be repeated for credit in different subject area.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100 . Open only to major(s): Management, Management and Business Economics, Economics. Open only to standing(s): Junior, Senior. Course may be repeated 3 times for credit.

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  • ECON 192: Internship in Economics

    [1-4 units]

    Provides oversight and structure for a student’s internship in a field related to Economics in community organizations, professional research projects, etc. connected to the study of Economics. Students are required to write an original research paper or relevant product that demonstrates how the internship advanced their knowledge of Economics.

    Open only to standing(s): Junior, Senior. Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit.

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  • ECON 195: Upper Division Undergraduate Research

    [1-5 units]

    Supervised research.

    Permission of instructor required. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ECON 196: Senior Thesis in Economics I

    [4 units]

    First part in a year-long capstone seminar that culminates in the presentation of a senior thesis in economics. In this semester, students study research methods in economics, formulate a theoretical or empirical question for their thesis, and conduct a literature review.

    Prerequisite: ECON 100  and ECON 110 . Open only to major(s): Economics. Open only to standing(s): Senior. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 197: Senior Thesis in Economics II

    [4 units]

    Second part in a year-long capstone seminar that culminates in the presentation of a senior thesis in economics. In this semester, students develop and conduct the research proposed in the first semester, write the thesis, and present their work to faculty and peers.

    Prerequisite: ECON 196 . Open only to major(s): Economics. Open only to standing(s): Senior. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ECON 198: Upper Division Directed Group Study

    [1-5 units]

    Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ECON 199: Upper Division Individual Study

    [1-5 units]

    Permission of instructor required. Pass/Fail only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ECON 240: Advanced Labor Economics I

    [4 units]

    Covers recent developments in research on labor economics and provides a basis for students to develop a research program in this area. Discusses human capital investment, the wage structure and inequality, labor demand, labor market institutions, internal and local labor markets.

    Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit.

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  • ECON 290: Quantitative Labor Studies Seminar

    [3 units]

    Research presentations by visiting scholars in the area of quantitative labor studies.

    Course may be repeated 3 times for credit. Cross-Listed with MGMT 290 .

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  • ECON 295: Graduate Research

    [1-12 units]

    Supervised research.

    Permission of instructor required. Course may be repeated for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • ECON 298: Directed Group Study

    [1-6 units]

    Group project under faculty supervision.

    Permission of instructor required. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ECON 299: Directed Independent Study

    [1-12 units]

    Independent project under faculty supervision.

    Permission of instructor required. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • EDUC 010: The Essentials of Educational Practice and Policy

    [4 units]

    Introduction to key elements in education: teaching and learning, school organization, education policy, politics, and philosophical goals of education. Topics include educational reform, testing and accountability, school finance, student diversity, and bilingual education. Focus is on California’s education system, with comparative perspectives from other states and countries.

    Discussion included.

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Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • EECS 205: Probability and Stochastic Processes

    [4 units]

    Introduction of probability theory and stochastic processes. Topics: discrete-time Markov chains, conditional expectation and martingales, limiting behavior of sequences of random variables, Poisson process and continuous-time Markov chains, renewal processes and queuing theory, detection and estimation, wide-sense stationary processes and spectral density, Kalman filter and Wiener filter, and Brownian motion.

    Prerequisite: MATH 032  and MATH 141 . Discussion included.

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  • EECS 207: Digital Image Processing

    [4 units]

    The fundamentals of digital image processing theory and techniques. Topics include two-dimensional linear system theory, image enhancement, image restoration, wavelet-based analysis, image compression and image reconstruction from projections.

    Prerequisite: Undergraduate level math and an undergraduate course on signals and systems strongly recommended. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 245: Parallel Computing

    [4 units]

    Advanced course on parallel computing. Students will learn the state-of-the-art parallel architectures and programming methods, including heterogeneous computing systems, parallel programming models, and performance modeling and optimization. Students will also gain deep knowledge on challenges and research opportunities in modern large-scale parallel systems.

    Prerequisite: Prior knowledge of Parallel Computing recommended. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 250: Advanced Topics in Computer Systems

    [4 units]

    Computer systems research, including operating systems, database systems, internet infrastructure systems and sensor networks systems. Covers a broad array of research topics in computer systems and engages you in top-flight systems research. The first part is devoted to basic thematic issues and underlying techniques in computer systems, while the second part goes deeper into topics related to scalable, parallel and distributed systems. Based on a discussion of important research papers, and a research project.

    Open only to major(s): Elec Eng and Computer Sci. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 252: Embedded Computer Systems

    [4 units]

    Concentration on methodologies and technologies for design of embedded systems. Topics include hardware and software platforms for embedded systems, techniques for modeling and specification of system behavior, software organization, real-time operating system scheduling, real-time communication and packet scheduling, low-power battery and energy-aware system design, timing synchronization, fault tolerance and debugging, and techniques for hardware and software architecture optimization. Covers theoretical foundations as well as practical design methods.

    Open only to major(s): Elec Eng and Computer Sci. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 260: Optimization

    [4 units]

    Introduction of theory and numerical methods for continuous multivariate optimization (unconstrained and constrained), including: line-search and trust-region strategies; conjugate-gradient, Newton, quasi-Newton and large-scale methods; linear programming; quadratic programming; penalty and augmented Lagrangian methods; sequential quadratic programming; and interior-point methods.

    Prerequisite: MATH 023  or MATH 024  or MATH 141 . Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 262: Networking of Embedded Sensor Systems

    [4 units]

    Wireless and sensor systems have achieved significant maturity in the past five years. Experimental systems research in this area has developed a wide range of innovative solutions to practical problems. There is also a fairly large literature on practical experience with these systems. The class samples a wide range of current research on experimental networked wireless and sensor systems. Exploration ranges from low-level systems and components (self-configuration, localization, time-synchronization), to networking (medium access, routing, transport), and higher-level systems issues (programming, deployment, and management).

    Open only to major(s): Elec Eng and Computer Sci. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 263: Cloud Computing

    [4 units]

    Introduces the following topics: Cloud definition and classifications, resource virtualization, motivations and economics of Cloud Computing, scheduling and load balancing, flow scheduling, cloud pricing, Security management in the cloud, Databases in the cloud, Mobile cloud, video streaming cloud, federated Clouds and multi-Clouds, and various case studies from the Industry.

    Prerequisite: CSE 150  and CSE 160  or equivalent. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 265: Computational Geometry

    [4 units]

    Design and analysis of efficient and robust algorithms for geometric problems in two and three dimensions. Computational geometry algorithms are needed to solve problems in robotics, GIS, solid modeling, etc. Theoretical studies will be complemented by programming assignments. Undergraduate level knowledge of algorithm design and analysis, and linear algebra with programming experience in C/C++/Java and Matlab is strongly suggested.

    Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 267: Computer Graphics

    [4 units]

    Covers the main algorithms and techniques required to implement modern computer graphics applications transformations, illumination and shading, the OpenGL rendering pipeline, ray tracing, scene graphs, curves and surfaces, solid modeling and representation, meshes, physics based animation, quaternions, and keyframe animation. Includes practical experimentation of the main techniques in projects developed in C++.

    Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 270: Robot Algorithms

    [4 units]

    In depth study of algorithmic techniques to solve fundamental robotic problems, with a particular emphasis on probabilistic aspects. Sensor fusion, mission planning, and other selected topics are covered as well. Theory is complemented by a personal semester long project assigned to every student.

    Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 271: Theory of Computation

    [4 units]

    Introduces the main computational models defining the theory of computation and illustrates fundamental theorems defining the limits of what can be computed. Topics include: finite and pushdown automata; nondeterministic models; regular languages and context-free grammars; Turing machines; and decidability problems.

    Prerequisite: Senior-level math knowledge and fundamentals of computer algorithms necessary for successful completion of course. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 272: Program Verification and Model Checking

    [4 units]

    Presents foundational concepts, techniques, and tools to verify whether a complex hardware or software system meets its target functional properties. Formal verification will be studied using model checking methods based on temporal logic formulations. Laboratory assignments will complement topics studied in theory.

    Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 273: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience

    [4 units]

    Design and analysis of computational simulations of human behavior and brain function. Techniques for modeling active membranes, individual neurons, the dynamics produced by recurrent excitation and lateral inhibition, synaptic plasticity, and the computational role of neurotransmitters. Formal models of perception, attention, learning, memory, language, categorization, and cognitive control.

    Permission of instructor required. Laboratory included. Cross-Listed with COGS 223 . Conjoined with CSE 173 .

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  • EECS 274: Computer Vision

    [4 units]

    Introduces algorithms and techniques for understanding contents in single and multiple images. Covers low-level, mid-level, high-level vision and recent research developments.

    Prerequisite: CSE 185 , linear algebra, vector calculus, basic knowledge of probability and statistics, and programming skills. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated 3 times for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 275: Matrix Computation

    [4 units]

    Numerous engineering problems can be formulated and solved via matrices. This course covers advanced algorithms for matrix computation and analysis. The introduced algorithms and numerical techniques are also important for solving linear/nonlinear systems and optimization problems.

    Prerequisite: Linear algebra and programming skills. Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 276: Machine Learning

    [4 units]

    Survey of techniques for the development and analysis of software that learns from experience. An introduction to computational learning theory. Bayesian approaches to learning. Instance-based methods and case-based learning. Decision tree learning. Inductive logic. Artificial neural networks. Kernel methods. Reinforcement learning. Learning from demonstrations and explicit instruction.

    Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 277: Database Systems Implementation

    [4 units]

    Studies the internals of a database management system, with emphasis on query execution. The final goal of the class is to build a fully-functional database execution engine consisting of all the standard components: storage manager, buffer manager, query execution engine, query optimizer, and query compiler.

    Prerequisite: CSE 031 . Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included. Conjoined with CSE 177 .

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  • EECS 279: Approximation Algorithms

    [4 units]

    Optimization problems are prevalent in many disciplines, and computer science is no exception. Unfortunately, numerous optimization problems are computationally hard (e.g. NP-hard), hence resist efficient algorithms. Covers various approximation algorithms which are polynomial time heuristics that aim to give a solution close to the optimum for all inputs.

    Prerequisite: Knowledge of Algorithm Design and Analysis, or an equivalent course, strongly recommended. Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • EECS 280: Advanced Topics in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems

    [4 units]

    Overview of Internet development history and fundamental principles underlying TCP/IP protocol design. Discussion of current networking and distributed systems research topics, including latest research results in routing protocols, transport protocols, network measurements, network security protocols, and clean-slate approach to network architecture design. Fundamental issues in network protocol design and implementations applied to a variety of different applications and environments.

    Open only to major(s): Elec Eng and Computer Sci. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 281: Advanced Topics in Robotics

    [4 units]

    Contemporary issues in mobile robotics. Topics include but are not limited to: cooperative mobile robotics, mathematical models for complex tasks (e.g. manipulation), humanoid robotics, human-robot interfaces, robot hardware and middleware.

    Prerequisite: EECS 270 . Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated 3 times for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 282: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

    [4 units]

    Reviews advanced topics in machine learning. Each edition of the course will focus on a different topic. It will consist of formal lectures, presentation and discussion of papers, and implementation of algorithms in Matlab or C.

    Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 283: Advanced Topics in Intelligent Systems

    [4 units]

    Research in intelligent systems is multi-disciplinary and its foundation can be found from fields such as estimation, communication, and control. Other areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, networking, robotics, security, and signal processing are also highly related. This class will review the most current results in intelligent systems and help students prepare for research in intelligent systems. Topics will vary from semester to semester.

    Prerequisite: MATH 032  and MATH 141 . Course may be repeated for credit. Discussion included.

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  • EECS 284: Big Data Systems and Analytics

    [4 units]

    Aims to familiarize students with techniques for processing large amounts of data. Starting with the latest innovations in hardware, data processing architectures are presented as well as algorithms for managing large quantities of data. Although the main focus is data analytics, significant attention is dedicated to transactional processing.

    Prerequisite: Background in computer architecture, computer system design concepts, and algorithm fundamentals required. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • EECS 285: Advanced Topics in Motion Planning

    [4 units]

    Covers advanced algorithms in the motion planning research domain and reviews selected topics in applications to robotics, computer animation, cognitive science and/or bioinformatics. Includes development of a significant programming project and student-led seminars.

    Prerequisite: Consolidated programming skills, and notions of computer graphics and robotics recommended. Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit. Offered fall only.

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  • EECS 286: Advanced Topics in Computer Vision

    [2-4 units]

    Current and advanced topics in computer vision. Students develop verbal and written presentation skills through critical evaluation of seminal works.

    Prerequisite: CSE 185 . Normal Letter Grade only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • EECS 287: Computer Animation and Simulation

    [4 units]

    Reviews the main topics in computer animation, including: key frame animation and motion capture, direct and inverse kinematics, physics-based animation, particle systems and deformable surfaces, rigid body simulation, collision detection and motion planning. Includes development of programming projects and student-led paper presentations.

    Prerequisite: Consolidated programming skills and notions of computer graphics required. Permission of instructor required. Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included. Conjoined with CSE 171 .

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  • EECS 290: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seminar

    [1 unit]

    This invited speaker seminar course gives electrical engineering and computer science graduate students breadth exposure to all the areas in the field.

    Open only to major(s): Elec Eng and Computer Sci. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • EECS 295: Graduate Research

    [1-12 units]

    Supervised research in computer science.

    Permission of instructor required. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • EECS 298: Directed Group Study

    [1-12 units]

    Group project under faculty supervision.

    Permission of instructor required. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • EECS 299: Directed Independent Study

    [1-12 units]

    Independent project under faculty supervision.

    Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Course may be repeated for credit.

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  • ENGR 040: History of Technology in Society I

    [4 units]

    Starting from the Paleolithic period and moving forward to the end of the 18th century and the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, examines the process of technological change and its relationship to societal change.

    Normal Letter Grade only. Discussion included. Cross-Listed with HIST 040 .

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  • ENGR 041: History of Technology in Society II

    [4 units]

    Starting from the Industrial Revolution at the end of the 18th century and moving to the present, examines the process of technological change and its relationship to societal change.

    Normal Letter Grade only. Discussion included. Cross-Listed with HIST 041 .

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  • ENGR 045: Introduction to Materials

    [4 units]

    Relationship between the structure, processing, properties, and performance of materials. The application of physical and chemical principles in the context of engineering materials: atomic bonding, crystal structure, defects, thermodynamics, and kinetics.

    Prerequisite: (CHEM 002  or CHEM 002H  or equivalent exam) and (MATH 021   or equivalent exam) and (PHYS 008  or PHYS 008H  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • ENGR 050: Statics

    [2 units]

    Fundamental concepts of mechanics, including statics, dynamics, and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies.

    Prerequisite: (MATH 021  or equivalent exam) and (PHYS 008  or PHYS 008H  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • ENGR 052: Computer Modeling and Analysis

    [3 units]

    Basic tools needed for the design and analysis of engineering systems, including data collection, basic algorithm design, implementation and testing, and systems simulation.

    Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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  • ENGR 053: Materials and the Environment

    [3 units]

    Impact of materials mining, processing, synthesis, use, and disposal on the environment, including cost-benefit analyses of environmentally “friendly” vs. “unfriendly” materials. Energy properties, cost, durability, disposal, and other considerations in materials selection. Materials challenges in fuel cell, battery, solar, and water filtration applications. Environmental costs and benefits of emerging nanotechnologies.

    Prerequisite: (MATH 021  or equivalent exam) and (PHYS 008  or PHYS 008H  or equivalent exam) and (CHEM 002  or CHEM 002H  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only.

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  • ENGR 057: Statics and Dynamics

    [4 units]

    Fundamentals of statics. Kinematics and equations of motion of a particle for rectilinear and curvilinear motion. Planar kinematics of rigid bodies. Kinetics for planar motion of rigid bodies, including equations of motion and principles of energy and momentum.

    Prerequisite: (MATH 021  or equivalent exam) and (PHYS 008  or PHYS 008H  or PHYS 018  or equivalent exam). Normal Letter Grade only. Discussion included.

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  • ENGR 065: Circuit Theory

    [4 units]

    Offers essential foundations for engineering students to analyze basic circuits and signals in circuit systems. Static and dynamic circuit analysis using Laplace transforms; active circuits involving operational amplifiers. Signal classifications, representations using Fourier transform, filtering, sampling process. Time and frequency domain responses.

    Prerequisite: MATH 024  and (PHYS 009  or PHYS 009H  or PHYS 019 ). Normal Letter Grade only. Laboratory included.

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