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The use of computers and networks has become an integral part of higher education, and UC Merced Information Technology is commitment to supporting this reality by deploying current and emerging technologies and practices for academic purposes, administrative transactions, and the improvement of the campus experience.
Students can reach all campus applications via a centralized portal: MyUCMerced ( Here, students can access campus email, registration information, and keep up to date with upcoming campus events. They can also access UC Merced’s collaborative learning management systems to review syllabi, course materials, library resources, assignments, grade books, and course calendars. Students can even submit assignments and chat with other students and faculty in the course.
The campus is laptop and mobile device friendly, with wireless network access available in all campus buildings, and direct Ethernet access in residence halls and select campus locations. The Library also provides electrical outlets in carrels and other work areas. For those living or working off campus, secure VPN access to the campus network is available 24 hours a day.
Additional residence service includes a drop-in computer lab and group laptop study area, and the open access lab in the Social Sciences and Management building includes multimedia workstations loaded with the latest design and production software.
All students are supported through three IT Help Desk locations, open every weekday. (Classroom and Office Building, Kolligian Library, and Half Dome residence hall.) Information Technology also provides an extensive collection of self-help tutorials in the online Knowledge Base. (
In the classroom, students find an enriched learning environment, as all rooms support projection and video presentation. Additionally, some rooms permit recording of lectures for streaming video on individual course websites, and audience response systems.
Because of the extensive use of computer technology at UC Merced, it is strongly advised that students have their own personal computers, which should be capable of running typical web and word processing applications. Students may find that their School has additional recommendations or requirements. Check the UC Merced website for more specific School information.