Lower Division Courses numbered 1–99 are designed primarily for freshmen and sophomores but are open to all students for lower division credit. (Graduate students requesting to enroll in lower-division undergraduate courses will not receive unit credit nor will the course fulfill degree requirements.) Upper Division Courses courses numbered 100–199 are open to all students who have met the necessary prerequisites as indicated in the catalog course description. Preparation should generally include completion of one lower division course in the given subject or completion of two years of college work.
Courses numbered 200–299 are open to graduate students. (Undergraduate students must obtain the signature of the instructor, School Dean, and the Dean of Graduate Studies. Graduate level units will count towards the required 120 units for graduation; however students are urged to meet with their academic advisor in order to determine if graduate course units may be used to fulfill a graduation requirement.)
Cross-listed Courses are the same course offered under different course subjects at the same level (either undergraduate or graduate) that share the same meeting time, requirements, units, etc. Conjoined Courses are the same course but one is undergraduate and one is graduate.
A corequisite course is a course that must be taken at the same time as another course.
Prerequisites for courses should be followed carefully; the responsibility for meeting these requirements rests on the student. If you can demonstrate that your preparation is equivalent to that specified by the prerequisites, the instructor may waive these requirements for you. The instructor also may request that a student who has not completed the prerequisites be dropped from the course. If the prerequisite for a course is not satisfied, students must obtain the approval of the instructor (or school designee) of the course they wish to take.
For all undergraduate courses a “C-” or better grade is required for a course to be used as a prerequisite for another course. If a course was taken for a “P/NP” grade then a “P” grade is required.
For all graduate courses a “B” or better grade is required for a course to be used as a prerequisite for another course. If a course was taken for a “S/U” grade then a “S” grade is required.
No credit is allowed for completing a less advanced course after successful completion (C-or better) of a more advanced course in the world languages. This applies only to lower division world language courses, not upper division courses.
Unless otherwise stated in the course description, each course is letter graded with a P/NP or S/U option (unless required for your major or graduate program). The policy regarding Grading Options, can be found in an alternate section of the catalog.
Language and linguistic representation from various angles and disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, philosophy, and neuroscience. Possible topics: sentence processing, word meaning, neurolinguistic deficits, language learning, artificial intelligence (natural language processing), and the interaction of language with other cognitive processes.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Explores the genetics of individual and group differences for a variety of traits (e.g., personality, health, learning, abnormal development, etc.). The necessary background in genetics and statistics will be provided through lecture and readings. Methodologies and their critical evaluation will be emphasized.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Provides an overview of current research and methods in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience, starting with a review of how the brain develops from conception into adulthood. Discusses theories related to how the brain develops and the role of experience in this development. Topics include visual perception and attention, knowledge of objects, faces, number, space, and language, and affective and social development. Discusses both typical and atypically developing populations.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Supervised practicum in undergraduate teaching. Students serve as discussion section leaders in selected undergraduate courses, and give guest lectures in courses where appropriate.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Faculty and graduate students who share interests discuss current literature, new ideas, methodological issues, and preliminary findings. Meetings include research presentations and opportunities for feedback on current and proposed research activity to encourage, support, and facilitate student research expertise. Assigned reading including.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Discussion included Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
One and one-half hours of colloquium per week. Reports and discussions of original research in psychology. Not all participants must report in any given semester, but all are expected to attend and to enter into the discussion.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: Unlimited
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to following major/minor(s):
Under faculty supervision, group of students meets each week for a semester in a student-led study group to pursue a specific topic of their choice that is not covered in other department courses.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: Unlimited
Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Research group meeting, one hour. Limited to graduate students. Discussion of current literature, new ideas, methodological issues, and preliminary findings. Research presentations and opportunities for feedback on current and proposed research activity to encourage, support, and facilitate student research expertise. Assigned readings included.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 8
Discussion included Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
An introduction to Public Health, including i) scientific tools, ii) biomedical basis, iii) societal determinants of health, iv) environmental health, iv) role of the medical care system, v) population level interventions, vi) health communication and promotion, and vii) challenges facing public health.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Societies and Cultures of the Past
Badge: Global Awareness
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
An overview of the dynamic factors that produce global health challenges, including demographic changes, conflict, human rights abuses, migration, travel, food production and distribution, water resources, and market forces and economic factors. We will also examine their responsibilities towards global health as global citizens.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Global Awareness
Badge: Ethics
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Concentration on the non-random distribution of disease in human populations and demonstration of how disparities in human culture and behavior are related differences in disease risk by characteristics person, place and time. Patterns of disease will be examined from the agent-host-environment paradigm.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Scientific Method
Badge: Quantitative and Numerical Analysis
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PH 001 or PH 005) and (PSY 010 or MATH 018 or BIO 018 or equivalent exam) Instructor Permission Required: No
Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. This course provides students with an overview of the principles of health promotion and various theories developed to change health behavior and promote the health of individuals and societies.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Practical and Applied Knowledge
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 005 Instructor Permission Required: No
An introduction to the science and practice of health communication. The course will also describe the essentials for effective health communication and social marketing, reaching target audiences, developing and testing effective messages, and evaluating the impact of a communication campaign.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Media and Visual Analysis
Badge: Practical and Applied Knowledge
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 100 or PH 102 Instructor Permission Required: No
Covers the media’s influence on health. Special attention will be paid to how health disparities are covered in the media, and the effects these portrayals might have on minority and majority populations. The course will also cover social media and health.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 100 or PH 102 or PH 103 Instructor Permission Required: No
Overview of the US Health Care system. Topics include development and organization of US health system, challenges in California and US, how providers and funders work together, current problems, previous attempts to improve coverage and access to health care, and health care in other countries compared to the US.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Societies and Cultures of the Past
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 005 Instructor Permission Required: No
An introduction to the health and provision of health care in the San Joaquin Valley, including diagnosis, treatment, management, and prevention efforts. Students will be prepared to engage with health professionals and community organizations in the region.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PH 001 or PH 005) and PH 112 and (PSY 010 or MATH 018 or BIO 018 or equivalent exam) Open only to following major/minor(s):
An overview of the principles of Environmental Health with particular emphasis on the interaction between people and the environment, including recognizing, assessing and controlling the impacts of people in their environment while gauging the impacts of the environment on the public.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Natural Science
Badge: Sustainability
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: BIO 001 or BIO 003 or PH 001 or PH 105 or PH 100 or equivalent exam Instructor Permission Required: No
Social epidemiology is the branch of epidemiology that explores how social forces affect human health and well being. In particular it asks how social interactions, human activities, social conditions, social problems, and other social arrangements affect determinants of health and yield differential health outcomes.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Diversity and Identity
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 100 Open only to the following class level(s):
PH 112: Research Methods: Health Services Research and Public Health
Units: 4
An introduction to research in the public health, health services research, and healthcare evaluation. Includes both qualitative and quantitative research methods, using examples of research across a range of areas in health.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 100 and (PSY 010 or MATH 018 or BIO 018 or equivalent exam) Instructor Permission Required: No
Examines predictors of health for refugees and immigrant to the US, and their descendants, paying particular attention to Latinos. Examines the effects of acculturation on health, and shifts in health and health-related behavioral outcomes between refugees or immigrants and second and third (and beyond) generations.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: CCST 113 Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Upper Division: Crossroads
Approaches to Knowledge: Social Science
Badge: Diversity and Identity
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 005 Instructor Permission Required: No
Provides an introduction to the history, current status, and future of migration and health using the social determinants of health model to foster a multidisciplinary analysis of the status of migrant health around the world. Designed for undergraduate students with an interest in health, social sciences, population health, global health and international development. Explores social determinants of health affecting migrating populations; these determinants include gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, poverty, religion, politics, governance, environment, and many others.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Badge: Global Awareness
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 005 Instructor Permission Required: No
PH 115: Research Methods for Public Health: GIS Mapping
Units: 4
Designed to provide students with an overview of the theory and application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with particular emphasis on Public Health.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 100 or PH 105 Instructor Permission Required: No
A multidisciplinary study of the historical, sociological, medical, and biological issues underlying new public health threats and the scientific and policy-based approaches to responding to these new threats.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 100 or PH 105 or PSY 124 or BIO 001 or BIO 003 or BIO 110 or equivalent exam Instructor Permission Required: No
Explores the structure of genes and the human genome, types of genetic variation, their mechanistic and evolutionary origins, their roles in shaping health, and the societal implications of genetic variation.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: BIO 135 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 005 or PH 100 or BIO 001 or PSY 001 or equivalent exam Instructor Permission Required: No
An introduction to the science of entomology and its importance to Public Health. The course will cover how to identify insects and case studies of insect vectored diseases. Other topics include insects and allergies, insecticides and alternatives, medically important insects, and insects and environmental health.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Approaches to Knowledge: Natural Science
Badge: Global Awareness
Badge: Sustainability
Badge: Practical and Applied Knowledge
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to the following class level(s):
An internship/service learning experience with either a public health researcher or a local health provider or community group. The project will focus on a relevant public health issue and will be agreed upon by the researcher or host organization, student and course coordinator.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
GE Requirements
Upper Division: Culminating Experience
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to following major/minor(s):
PH 185: Introduction to Health and Biomedical Ethics
Units: 4
An overview of health and biomedical ethics. The class will discuss the key moral principles that drive ethical reasoning related to health care, with discussions focusing on ethical concerns encountered by practitioners and researchers in fields of clinical medicine and public health.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: BIO 001 or BIO 003 or PH 001 or PH 105 or equivalent exam Instructor Permission Required: No
Provides intensive treatment of a special topic or problem in public health. Reviews public health theory and research on the issue as well as coverage of the methodological principles and tools used to guide research in the area.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 3
Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 001 or PH 005 Instructor Permission Required: No
Introduction to the theory and practice of Public Health research including the responsibilities of public health researchers and practitioners, the role that Public Health research and practice play in improving the health of the population, and social context of health and health disparities in the US.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Introduces, compares, and applies conceptual frameworks, measures, study designs, and analysis approaches used in the field of epidemiology including causality, measures of disease, measures of association, study design (trials, cohort, case-control, cross-sectional and ecological), biases, screening, statistical inference, and analyzing epidemiologic data.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Advanced training in mixed methods research for Public Health including multi-level perspectives, and cultural influences, best practice toward employing quantitative research assessing magnitude, frequency of constructs, rigorous qualitative research, use of case studies, and integrate methods.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Why the environment is essential to human health and how we analyze and act on environmental agents, factors, and conditions to improve health of people, at local, regional, and global scales. Focuses on issues pertinent to the San Joaquin Valley.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Advanced training in Health Services Research including the theoretic foundations, tools, and techniques used by researchers to examine quality of care, access to services, cost/expenditure on health services, translation/dissemination of research, and the state of the health services rural, underserved areas.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Overview of theory and research on public communication related to health behavior and policy change, including a critical understanding of the effects of mass media in promoting and impeding the achievement of public health goals.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No Graduate-level course in research methods and graduate-level introduction to statistics course required
Introduces first year PH students to the core professional knowledge and skills central to PH, as well as the research areas of faculty in PH and those employed in the private and public sectors.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Acquaints early-stage graduate students in the core professional knowledge and skills central to Public Health as a discipline and practice, as well as primary avenues for becoming a part of the larger research community. Follows a workshop format in which we will review recent journal articles, become proficient in structuring scientific arguments, and draft, discuss and revise book and article reviews. Lastly, the important issue of ethical research conduct will be addressed.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 208A Instructor Permission Required: No
Assists 2nd and 3rd-year Public Health graduate students interested in seeking funding for their research. Students will learn how to develop grant applications and identify funding sources in Public Health, including a Letter of Intent, the scientific method, partnerships, and budgets.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Students will prepare an NIH F-31 application in a weekly structured workshop setting. Students will work closely with their advisors to prepare their research question and specific aims for the April NIH cycle. Students will also learn about other graduate student funding mechanisms, and will become familiar with NIH grantspersonship.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 209A Instructor Permission Required: No
Introduces statistical techniques appropriate for answering social science and public health questions. Intended as a statistics refresher or introduction for public health graduate students.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
PH 211: Introduction to Statistical Methods in Public Health
Units: 4
Introductory statistics course designed to 1) give students the tools they need to understand and evaluate quantitative Public Health research 2) provide students with the foundation of skills and knowledge necessary to conduct original quantitative Public Health research. Students will gain practical skills and experience with these methods by writing mini-reports of their original analyses conducting using SAS or STATA. The class will culminate with students providing a peer review of an article length manuscript. The class will provide a basic understanding of statistics, ordinary least square regression and parametric estimation based on sampling.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 210 Instructor Permission Required: No
PH 212: Advanced Statistical Methods in Public Health
Units: 4
Advanced statistics course designed with one overarching goal: to give students the tools necessary to understand, evaluate, and conduct quantitative public health research. The class will concentrate on various quantitative statistical methods for a range of data and research questions relevant in public health research. Students will explore the methods and gain practical skills and experience through class lecture, mini-report, peer-review, literature review, and hands-on data analysis.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: PH 211 or SOC 211 Instructor Permission Required: No Requires working knowledge of basic statistics, ordinary least square regression and parametric estimation based on sampling.
Because resources are limited and time is short, choices must be made about how to allocate resources in health care. An understanding of the principles of health economics is useful for many areas of public health and clinical decision making because they can be used to provide information on what people value, whether health care initiatives represent ‘good value for money’, and for understand health policy and how the structure of the health system impacts our health and well-being.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No Recommended for students interested in public health, developing behavioral interventions (e.g., psychology), and in clinical decision making.
Provides students with an introduction to the science of Entomology and its importance to Public Health. The course will cover the essentials of how to identify insects and arthropods, with emphasis on those which transmit disease. Case studies of selected arthropod vectored diseases such as West Nile virus, Dengue Fever, Malaria, and Chagas disease will be discussed. Other topics covered will include insecticides and their alternatives, classes of pesticides and their toxicity, laws and regulations of pesticide use and safety, and environmental health.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
PH 215: Comprehensive Qualitative Research Methods
Units: 4
Introduces students to the process of conducting qualitative research. It approaches this goal by asking students to critically engage the ontological and epistemological assumptions underlying their research interests and efforts. Using an interpretive framework informed by intersectional and feminist epistemology, this class aims to get students to think critically about research design, implementation, and interpretation, with a particular focus on how the epistemological and ethical issues raised by the readings can play themselves out in research projects that focus on the experiences of marginalized communities.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Examines key health policy research topics and methods used in the field. The course is designed to provide students with an overview of health policy issues and research in the field while simultaneously developing rigorous critical analysis and research skills. Students will learn about a range of local, state, and federal policies in the U.S. to improve population health outcomes, including health care policies (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) and public health policies to promote health. They will also learn about the health policymaking process. Research articles in leading peer-reviewed journals in the fields of health policy, public health, health services research, economics, and political science will be emphasized.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Provides student with an understanding of the link between air quality and health effects. We will discuss increases in short terms and long term atmospheric pollutant concentrations above normal daily levels, why air quality is essential to human health, and how we analyze and act on Air Pollutants to improve health of people, at local, regional, and global scales.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: unlimited
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No At least one 297 course is required during each year following completion of qualifying examinations.
Provides oversight and structure for a student’s internship in a field of public policy in community organizations, professional research projects, etc. connected to the study of public policy. Requires students to write an original research paper or relevant product that demonstrates how the internship advanced their knowledge of public policy.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 2
Pass/No Pass only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: Yes
Overview of poverty and social policy in the United States in a historical context from the nineteen century until the present. Discusses current policy issues and policy debates surrounding poverty and inequality.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PUBP 001 and PUBP 100 and ECON 100 and PSY 105) or ECON 110 Instructor Permission Required: No
Examines current health policy issues and policy approaches, as a way of exploring problems in the design and implementation of policy. It concentrates on issues of access to care, quality of care, health care costs, health insurance, health behavior, and the cultural and linguistic issues facing immigrants’ access to care.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PUBP 001 and PUBP 100 and ECON 100 and PSY 105) or ECON 110 Instructor Permission Required: No
Examines current environmental policy as a way of exploring problems in the design and implementation of policy. Provides an overview of basic concepts and methods of environmental policy analysis and implementation looking at a range of local and global environmental policy issues, such as environmental justice, air quality, and urbanization.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PUBP 001 and PUBP 100 and ECON 100 and PSY 105) or ECON 110 Instructor Permission Required: No
Examines the origins, consequences, and characteristics of immigrants to the United States, from the nineteenth century to the present. We look at social and economic forces behind immigration; the impact of immigrants; and their process of integration. We also examine various debates on immigrant and immigration policy.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PUBP 001 and PUBP 100 and ECON 100 and PSY 105) or ECON 110 Instructor Permission Required: No
Examines the ways in which policies are shaped by and respond to issues of race, ethnicity and culture. Among others, we explore issues of inequality in the labor market, segregation, discrimination, environmental justice, health care access, and social and political inequality.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (PUBP 001 and PUBP 100 and ECON 100 and PSY 105) or ECON 110 Instructor Permission Required: No
Provides oversight and structure for a student’s internship in a field of public policy in community organizations, professional research projects, etc. connected to the study of public policy. Requires students to write an original research paper or relevant product that demonstrates how the internship advanced their knowledge of public policy.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 2
Pass/No Pass only
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to the following class level(s):
A graduate-level course focusing on molecular aspects of cellular processes, including signal transduction, cell division, differentiation, protein synthesis and degradation, and regulation of gene expression. Each topic is accompanied by critical evaluation of classic papers and recent publications.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: Upper-division undergraduate courses in cell and molecular biology Instructor Permission Required: No
Students are introduced to ‘scientific teaching’ - an approach to teaching science that uses many of the same skills applied in research. Topics include how people learn, active learning, designing, organizing and facilitating teachable units, classroom management, diversity in the classroom and assessment design.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Discussion included Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: Yes
The overall objective of QSB 202 is to teach students fundamental principles and concepts of biochemistry as a scientific discipline at the graduate level. The emphasis will be on the relationship between macromolecular structure and function.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: BIO 101 and BIO 102 or equivalent courses Instructor Permission Required: No
Physical Biochemistry is the study of properties such as macromolecular folding, multimerization, structure, and ligand binding. This course will instruct students on these, and on the experimental techniques that can quantitatively probe these properties, including hands-on work with multidimensional NMR data. Also included is in-depth discussion of recent biophysical literature.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Conjoined with: BIO 107 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
QSB 211: Advanced Neurobiology: Development, Physiology and Behavior
Units: 3
Team-taught graduate level advanced neurobiology. Covers advanced concepts in electrophysiology, neuronal signal transduction, brain development, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, genes and environmental effect on behavior. In addition to lectures, students will be required to read, discuss and critique current research papers relevant to the field.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 1
Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: Yes
QSB 212: Advanced Signal Transduction and Growth Control
Units: 4
Signal transduction in mammalian cells with emphasis on molecular and genetic regulation of these processes and their role in cell function. Graduate requirement includes an advanced discussion section involving research methodology and data interpretation led by the instructor.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: Undergraduate biochemistry course Instructor Permission Required: No
Tissue Engineering is an interdisciplinary field focused on developing strategies for regenerating human cells, tissues and organs. Fundamental topics will include: cell source (including stem cells, plasticity, cloning, cell differentiation and purification), cell culture and tissue organization, gene therapy, cell adhesion and migration, bioreactor and tissue-material design, tissue preservation, and immunoisolation and/or modulation.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: BEST 214 Conjoined with: BIOE 114 Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
QSB 217: Lab on a Chip: Developing 3rd World Diagnostics for Global Health
Units: 3
This is the first-ever four campus course between UC San Francisco, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Merced which aims to 1) raise awareness and knowledge about global health issues 2) teach students critical engineering skills such as nano/micro-fabrication 3) enable students to design, build, and test their own diagnostics and 4) develop entrepreneurial skills. Students learn about tuberculosis from leading experts at UCSF and then address the dearth of sensitive diagnostics by designing and testing their own nano/micro-systems. Taught at UC Merced with tele-conferencing to the other campuses and two field trips. Funded in part by QB3.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: BEST 217 Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Addresses different global change processes (climate change, habitat fragmentation, ozone pollution etc.); their impacts on organisms; and interactions and feedbacks between various global change factors and biological processes. Readings are taken from the recent scientific literature. Students will write a review article on a topic of their choice.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: ES 218 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
A broad approach to understanding and using formal models to study social behavior and organization. We will take an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from the social sciences and from evolutionary ecology in roughly equal measures. Methodology will focus on agent-based modeling, but also included some evolutionary game theory and related approaches. Topic covered include foraging, disease transmission, cooperation, segregation, social norms, and the cultural evolution of language.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: COGS 222 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Covers the biology, parasitism and pathogenesis of parasites that cause significant human disease—the parasitic helminthes and the protozoan parasites. How each parasite establishes infection in their hosts, how it spreads between hosts, and the pathogenesis of disease. Current approaches to control parasitic disease will be addressed. Cutting edge science with a focus on new molecular concepts will be addressed during an additional one hour lecture/discussion session specifically for graduate students.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Conjoined with: BIO 123 Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to following major/minor(s):
Reviews theory and experimental methods in quantitative genetics and molecular ecology to infer ecological, evolutionary, and genetic processes. Topic areas include natural selection and biological adaptation, the analysis or quantitative traits, landscape genetics, and conservation genetics among other topics.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: ES 230 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to following major/minor(s):
Environmental Systems (Graduate) - ESYS, Quantitative & Systems Biology (Graduate) - QSB
Comprehensive introduction to the language of genes and genomes, including genotype to phenotype relationships, gene regulation of development and disease, sources of phenotypic variation, and organization of genomes across the domains of life. Graduate requirements include advanced discussion section led by instructor and genome informatics project.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Introduction to the concepts behind genome biology and a detailed overview of the many tools used in comparative genomics. Specific topics include genome assembly, gene modeling and comparative genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Students carry out real scientific projects in collaboration with course faculty and produce new genomic data of publishable quality.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Discussion and Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: BIO 141 Instructor Permission Required: No
Focuses on teaching first-year graduate students from a variety of graduate programs skills in computational methods, programming languages, team science, project development, problem solving, social networking, and career preparation.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: CHEM 243, COGS 243, EECS 243, MATH 243, ME 243, PHYS 243, PSY 243 Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: Yes
QSB 244: Phylogenetics: Speciation and Macroevolution
Units: 4
Provides the theory behind reconstruction of evolutionary relationships and introduces the comparative methods and tools of phylogenetics. Topics include use of morphological, molecular, and fossil data in distance, parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian frameworks for investigating geographic patterns and rates of speciation, phenotypic evolution, diversification, extinction, and biogeography.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: ES 244 Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
QSB 244L: Phylogenetics Laboratory: Speciation and Macroevolution
Units: 1
Practice in reconstruction of evolutionary relationships and introduces the comparative methods and tools of phylogenetics. Topics include morphological, molecular, and fossil data in distance, parsimony, likelihood, and Bayesian frameworks for investigating geographic patterns and rates of speciation, phenotypic evolution, diversification, extinction, and biogeography.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Corequisite: QSB 244 Instructor Permission Required: No
Explores a diversity of current topics in Biogeography, providing an overview of the field’s history, development, and a prospectus for its near future. We will consider relevant methods, advances in related fields, and application of biogeographic information in a changing world.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 3
Crosslisted with: ES 245 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Major themes and current topics in community ecology, including patterns in the diversity, abundance, and composition of species in communities and the processes underlying these patterns such as environmental filtering, species interactions, evolutionary history, and neutral processes.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: ES 246 Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No BIO 148 recommended
Provides a detailed synopsis of the history of phylogenetic comparative methods, including key developments in the field. Presents topics covering continuous trait evolution, discrete trait evolution, the phylogenetic correction, sources of uncertainty and assumptions, and a detailed look at diversification analysis. Tutorials will be embedded to work through analytical techniques commonly used in the field, as we as a review of the theoretical and empirical literature on applying PCMs. Discussion will focus on developing student analysis skills through the analysis of indivudually0chosedn dataset either collected by the student or taken from the literature.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Utilizes directed readings and discussion of classical and current literature in ecology and evolutionary biology, focusing on literature that emphasizes systems concepts of population variation and linkages across scales from genes to ecosystems.
Course Details Anticipated term(s) course will be offered:
Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: ES 248 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No Students are expected to have completed college-level, introductory courses in ecology and/or evolution before taking this course.
QSB 249: Topics in the History, Philosophy, and Practice of Science
Units: 3
Explores special topics in the history, philosophy, and practice of science, such as the nature of interdisciplinary interactions, the concept of “paradigm shift”, relationships between politics and science, and the influence of new technologies. Does not fulfill the “third course requirement” of QSB degrees except by petition to QSB EPC.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 3
Crosslisted with: ES 249 Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Principles of developmental biology as revealed through analysis of invertebrate and vertebrate system. Animal models are used to examine the molecular and cellular mechanisms that influence cell fate. Cell signaling is studied in the context of embryonic pattern formation and the development of body plans and organ systems. Read, discuss and critique current research papers relevant for the field.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Conjoined with: BIO 150 Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Prerequisite: (BIO 110 or equivalent) and QSB 290 Instructor Permission Required: No
A comprehensive introduction to advanced principles of immunology. Topics include innate immune defense, immunoglobulin gene rearrangements, antigen presentation, lymphocyte trafficking, regulation of lymphocyte development, lymphocyte activation and effector functions, dendritic cell biology, immune response to infection and diseases of the immune system. Sessions will consist of lectures, student presentations and discussion of seminal and current research articles.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Topics include viral and hormonal carcinogenesis, molecular aberrations in cancer, tumor development, epigenetic and cancer, tumor immunology, oncogenes.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to following major/minor(s):
Compare and contrast the developmental cues of a variety of animals and emphasizes how conserved developmental pathways have been manipulated through evolutionary processes to produce different physical features. The effects of regulatory region mutations, gene duplication, and genetic co-opting will be investigated.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Conjoined with: BIO 153 Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: Yes
Survey of theoretical ecology, involving a tour through population dynamics, stochastic processes, and ecological networks. Both analytical and numerical (computational) approaches will be used to build and examine dynamic models, as well as to assess the role of theoretical vs. empirical approaches to understand the ecological processes.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: ES 256 Discussion included Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Provides a survey of evolutionary theory, discussing population genetics, game theory, comparative genomics and coevolution. Emphasis is placed on conceptualizing individual projects in the context of broader evolutionary theory. A significant portion of the course will be focused on developing, analyzing and interpreting individually chosen research topics in evolutionary theory.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: Yes Repeat Limit: 3
Discussion included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: No
Understanding the mechanisms underlying function of major human organs. Emphasis includes neural transmission and action potential, cardiovascular, renal and gastrointestinal physiology, metabolism, and endocrinology. Laboratory experiments demonstrating and reinforcing topics covered in lecture with an emphasis on scientific method. Discussion section critically reads and evaluates papers in physiology and provide an opportunity for the students to practice presenting scientific data to an audience.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Conjoined with: BIO 161 Discussion and Laboratory included Normal Letter Grade only
Requisites and Restrictions Instructor Permission Required: Yes
Designed to increase the writing proficiency of graduate students, with a focus on strategies for reading critically, organizing and developing thoughts, choosing appropriate vocabulary, and generating and revising writing in a given scientific field. Topics address scientific disciplines. Projects may include writing abstracts, research reports, literature reviews, posters, and grant proposals.
Course Details Repeatable for Credit: No Crosslisted with: CHEM 270, MATH 270, PHYS 270 Normal Letter Grade with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory option
Requisites and Restrictions Open only to following major/minor(s):