Mar 11, 2025
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
World Heritage Program
World Heritage is an emerging interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary area that includes architecture, history, archaeology, art history, geography, anthropology, management, law, environmental sciences and other disciplines. Thus, faculty in this field brings together the humanities, social sciences, policy, and management, consistent with the interdisciplinary intent of the World Cultures program within SSHA.
The key feature of the program, a strong technology orientation, will permit us to create a new discipline and innovative profiles for new economics, computer science, educational purposes and many others.
The challenge for our contemporary classroom work is to construct a curriculum that blends humanistic interests and technology. Students will learn that the codes, metadata, and interfaces of today are in constant change and thus the fundamental task will be to determine how to set up a sustainable management system for digital media and global heritage study. The learning outcome from such teaching should be the acquisition of a methodology aimed at understanding and communicating information about tangible and intangible heritage, cultural and natural sites. Each student in the World Heritage Program should learn to apply this methodology to the specialization of their field or to specific case studies within their field.
World Heritage Program Learning Outcomes
The main task is to study the evolving technologies and methodologies of analysis, interpretation, communication and presentation of heritage sites (natural and cultural), evaluating their potential to enrich contemporary societies in the light of the reconstruction of the past. Students will be able to: - Define the concept of World Heritage and explain its implications for contemporary society.
- Dialogue with different disciplines such as architecture, history, art history, geography, anthropology, management, cognitive science, computer science.
- Understand how multiple academic disciplines and methodologies contribute to World Heritage.
- Use integrated computer technologies to complete heritage case studies and understand the appropriate context for the use of different technologies in the heritage field.
- Evaluate the key principles and policies of cultural heritage protection and management through international heritage institutions, conventions and charters.
- Experience and understand a visit to a monument, a landscape, or a site.